2016年度 京都力学系セミナー
2016 Kyoto Dynamical Systems seminar
- 日 時:
- 毎週金曜14時00分より
- from 14:00, every Friday
- 場 所:
- 京都大学大学院理学研究科 6号館 南棟 6階 609セミナー室
- Room 609 in Building no. 6 South Wing, at Facalty of Science, Kyoto University
これまでの Kyoto Dynamics Days
Titles and Abstracts
- 1月20日(金)
- David Martí Pete(京都大学)
- The escaping set of transcendental self-maps of the punctured plane
- Abstract:
We study the iteration of holomorphic self-maps of C*, the complex plane with the origin removed, for which both zero and infinity are essential singularities. The escaping set of such functions consists of the points whose orbit accumulates to zero and/or infinity following what we call essential itineraries. We define the fast escaping set for this class of functions by combining the iterates of the maximum and minimum modulus functions. Using annular covering lemmas we are able to construct different types of orbits, including fast escaping or arbitrarily slowly escaping points to either zero or infinity. Finally, we prove that the escaping set can be partitioned into uncountably many non-empty sets the boundary of each of which is the Julia set.
- 11月18日(金)
- 中根 静男 氏 (東京工芸大学)
- A remark on the normalization of holomorphic germs at
super-saddle fixed points
- Abstract:
M. Ruggiero は、C^2 の rigid な正則関数芽の super-saddle 不動点(固有値の一つが 0,もう一つの絶対値が1より大)での formal normal form を求めた。同時に、formal classification と holomorphic classification が一致しないことも指摘している。
本講演では、いくつかの例について、formal conjugacy の収束・発散について考察する。
- 11月11日(金)
- 篠原 克寿 氏(一橋大学)
- 区分線形写像のフレドホルム行列式とアナログ・デジタル変換器の精度保証
- Abstract:
β展開に基づいて設計されたアナログ・デジタル変換器を β変換器呼ぶ.β変換器の変換精度評価を行うには,傾きがβの区分的線形像の力学系から定まる種々の量の数え上げをする必要がある. これらの情報は対応する力学系のフレドホルム行列式の零点を調べることで得ることが可能である. 伊藤俊次氏,高橋陽一郎氏や森真氏により得られているフレドホルム行列式の明示的な公式と精度付き数値計算を組み合わせることで,β変換器の精度保障を見通しよく行うことができる. 本セミナーではこの手法に関して説明する.
- 11月4日(金)
- 上野 康平 氏 (大同大学)
- Bottcher coordinates for holomorphic skew products
- Abstract:
Let f be a holomorphic skew product with a superattracting fixed point.
Assuming that a certain degree of f is not less than 2,
we construct a Bottcher coordinate on an invariant open set whose closure
contains the fixed point.
The Bottcher coordinate conjugates f to the associated monomial map.
For some cases, this phenomenon can be explained in terms of blow-ups.
- 10月28日(金)
- 桐木 紳 氏 (東海大学)
- ヘテロ次元サイクルと非自明遊走領域の存在について
- Abstract:
2次元多様体上のホモクリニック接触を持つような任意の C^2 微分同相写像は,非自明縮小遊走領域を持つ微分同相写像で C^2 近似できることが分かっている(arXiv:1503.06258).本研究では,高次元の非双曲微分同相写像の非自明縮小遊走領域について答えが得られたので報告したい.
この研究は,相馬輝彦 氏(首都大)と中野雄史 氏(北見工大)の共同研究であり,論文 https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.02734 の内容である.
- 10月7日(金)
- 辻井 正人 氏 (九州大学)
- アノソフ流の指数混合性について
- Abstract:
コンパクト多様体上の体積を保つアノソフ流が通有的(generic)な条件の下で指数混合的であるかという問題は Anosov や Sinai による古典的な仕事以来の問題の一つである.この問題について3次元の場合に肯定的な答えが得られたので報告したい.
- 7月15日(金)
- Eric Bedford 氏 (Stony Brook University)
- No smooth Julia sets for complex Henon maps
- Abstract:
We will give a survey of the Fatou and Julia sets of complex Henon
maps. Then we will show that the Julia set is never smooth. This is
joint work with Kyounghee Kim.
- 7月12日(火)
- Christiane Rousseau 氏 (Université de Montréal)
- The equivalence problem for singularities in analytic dynamical systems
- Abstract:
A central problem in local dynamics is the equivalence problem: when are
two systems locally equivalent under a change of coordinates? In the
neighborhood of a singular point, representatives of equivalence classes
could be given by normal forms. But, most often, the changes of
coordinates to normal form diverge. Why? What does it mean? In this
talk, we will discuss a class of singularities for which we can provide
moduli spaces for the equivalence problem. We will explain the common
geometric features of these singularities, and how the study of the
unfolding of these singularities allows understanding both the
singularities themselves, and the obstructions to the existence of
analytic changes of coordinates to normal form.
- 7月8日(金)
- 西口 純矢 (京都大学)
- On nonautonomous semi-dynamical systems determined by
differential equations with unbounded delays
- Abstract:
The dynamical systems viewpoint of autonomous differential equations
with finite or bounded delays has developed
to investigate the long-term or asymptotic behavior of solutions of such
However, as Walther (2003) pointed out, if the delays depend on an
unknown function (called the state-dependent delays),
the above theory cannot be applied.
Furthermore, if we permit the dependence of the delays on time and
then the possibility of unbounded delays arise, and the dynamics become
In this talk, we first review the above contents.
Next, we obtain a semi-dynamical system for differential equations with
unbounded delays.
Finally, we find and apply the theory of global attractor and the
pullback attractor for such equations.
- 6月24日(金)
- 横山 知郎(京都教育大学)
- On non-wandering flows on compact surfaces
- Abstract:
の2つの話題を中心にいくつかの結果を紹介する: 第1に「コンパクト曲面上の流れが位相推移的になるための必要十分条件は何か?」という問題について,面積保存流の場合に,MarzouguiとSoler López(2009)によって,「特異点集合が内部を持たず,ω-極限集合とα-極限集合が特異点になる点のなす集合の補集合が連結である」ことが必要十分条件であることが示されていたので,これを一般の流れの場合に拡張した.第2に「いつ,コンパクト曲面上の流れが軌道空間から復元できるか?」と言う問題について,復元できない流れが持つ性質を抜き出し,これらの性質を持たないt流れクラスについて,軌道空間から元の流れを復元できることを示した.
- 6月17日(金)
- Mariusz Urbanski 氏(University of North Texas, USA)
- Exponential distribution of return times for weakly Markov
systems (joint work with L. Pawelec and A. Zdunik)
- Abstract:
I will introduce the concept of weakly Markov dynamical systems. I will
then consider the distributions of first return times to almost all
shrinking balls for such systems. These distributions will be shown to
converge to the exponential law along the radii of relative Lebesgue
measure converging very fast to one.
The class of weakly Markov dynamical systems will be proved to include
such large classes of smooth dynamical systems as expanding repellers,
holomorphic endomorphisms of complex projective spaces, and Axiom A
diffeomorphisms (none of them are assumed to be conformal) and conformal
ones such as conformal iterated function systems, conformal graph
directed Markov systems, conformal expanding repellers, rational
functions of the Riemann sphere, and transcendental meromorphic
For the whole class of conformal systems I will in fact prove more,
namely that the convergence to the exponential law holds along all
radii. This will be achieved by proving the thin annuli property.
- 5月27日(金)
- Chih-Wen Shih 氏 (National Chiao Tung University)
- Approximate and Identical Synchronization in Coupled Systems
- Abstract: (Word file)
In this lecture, I shall present a mathematical framework for
investigating approximate synchronization of coupled systems and coupled
network systems under general coupling scheme with delays. The units
comprising the coupled systems are allowed to be non-identical. Both
delay-dependent and delay-independent criteria for approximate
synchronization are derived, based on an approach termed sequential
contracting. Sequential contracting is an iterative argument for
concluding asymptotic behaviors in dynamical systems. With a
preliminary estimation on the globally attracting set for the coupled
system, the dissipative structure or degradation terms in the equations
is utilized to estimate the attracting interval for each component of
the system successively and iteratively. Analyzing the asymptotic
behavior will then be converted into solving a linear system of algebra
equations. Condition for the convergence of Gauss-Seidel iteration for
this linear system then leads to synchronization criteria. We shall
show how the synchronization error, the distance between the asymptotic
state and the synchronous set, decreases with respect to the differences
between subsystems and some factors in the coupling structure. This
error vanishes when these factors decay to zero, and approximate
synchronization becomes identical synchronization for the coupled
system. Applications of the present theory to a model on segmentation
clock genes and coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons will be illustrated.
- 5月24日(火)
(理学研究科6号館809室) 16:30から18:00まで
- 川原田 茜 氏 (京都教育大学)
- 偏微分方程式を模倣するセル・オートマトンの構成と解析
- Abstract:
- 5月20日(金)
- 宇敷 重廣 氏
- Parabolic bifurcation of area-preserving real Hénon map
- Abstract:
Real one parameter family of volume preserving complex Hénon maps is
Cycle of neutral periodic points bifurcates from a parabolic fixed
point. Cases of periods 3 and 4 are computed directly.
In the area preserving real Hénon maps, potential analysis and
numerical evidences suggests that a pair of a cycle of saddle type and a
cycle of center type appears from a parabolic fixed point.
Neutral periodic cycles are observed as so-called "islands" between KAM
circles around a neutral fixed points.
The appearance of pair of periodic orbits of center type and saddle type
is rigorously proved for period 5 cases.
- 5月13日(金)
- 杉山 登志 氏 (灘高等学校)
- The Moduli Space of Polynomial Maps and Their Fixed-Point Multipliers
- Abstract:
- 4月25日(月) 臨時力学系セミナー (理学研究科6号館809室) 15:00から
- Dmitry Turaev 氏 (Imperial College London)
- On wandering domains near homoclinic tangencies
- Abstract:
In a recent paper by Kiriki and Soma a solution to van Strien
problem of the existence of non-trivial wandering domains for
two-dimensional maps was proposed for the case of finite
smoothness. We discuss a possibility to extend their results to
the real-analytic case and the case of three-dimensional
polynomial diffeomorphisms.
稲生 啓行 (inouQmath.kyoto-u.ac.jp, replace Q with at-mark)
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京都大学大学院理学研究科 数学教室