2015年度 京都力学系セミナー
2015 Kyoto Dynamical Systems seminar
- 日 時:
- 毎週金曜14時00分より
- from 14:00, every Friday
- 場 所:
- 京都大学大学院理学研究科 6号館 6階 609セミナー室
- Room 609 at Building no. 6, at Facalty of Science, Kyoto University
これまでの Kyoto Dynamics Days
Titles and Abstracts
- 3月28日(金) 15:00 から (いつもと時間が違います)
- Marcelo Viana 氏 (IMPA)
- Lyapunov exponents of random matrices
- 2月5日(金)
- 中嶋 浩平 氏(京都大学白眉センター/情報学研究科・JST PRESTO)
- Physical Reservoir Computingの数理
- Abstract:
Reservoir Computing (RC)は、リカレントニューラルネットワークの研究により発展してきた情報処理手法の一つである。
この点に着目し、近年、物理系のダイナミクスを情報処理デバイスの一部として活用する手法である、Physical Reservoir Computing (PRC)が提案された。
後半では、力学系におけるNoise-induced phenomenaやStrange non-chaotic attractorの情報処理能力について詳細に議論する。
- 1月29日(金)
- Kyounghee Kim 氏 (Florida State University, RIMS)
- Regular Birational maps with invariant curves
- Abstract:
A regular binational map on P^k is a binational map on P^k generated by
the cremona involution and automorphisms on P^k. We will discuss regular
binational maps which properly fixes elliptic normal curves.
- 1月27日(水)16:30-17:30 臨時力学系セミナー (理学部3号館108室)
- Daniel Meyer 氏(University of Jyvaskyla)
- Expanding Thurston maps
- Abstract:
Quasisymmetry is a global version of quasiconformality,
which is a generalization of a conformal map.
While this notions originate from complex analysis,
it now plays a prominent role in geometric group theory/rough geometry.
In particular quasisymmetric maps appear at the boundary
of Gromov hyperbolic spaces.
The quasisymmetric uniformization problem asks when a given metric space
is quasisymmetrically equivalent to some standard space.
Of particular importance is the question when a metric $2$-sphere
is a quasisphere, i.e., the quasisymmetric image of the standard sphere.
Cannon's conjecture stipulates that a group that "acts topologically"
as a Kleinian group is geometrically a Kleinian group.
An equivalent formulation is that a certain metric sphere
(arising as the boundary at infinity) is a quasisphere.
Thurston's theorem on the characterization of rational maps
gives an answer to the analog question when a map that
"acts topologically" as a rational map "is" a rational map.
In particular there are maps that are not (equivalent to) rational maps.
So the analog statement of Cannon's conjecture is false in this setting.
In this talk I will talk about my joint work with Mario Bonk,
which attempts to describe "expanding Thurston maps"
in a fashion similar to the one arising in the group theoretic setting.
- 1月22日(金)
- 中野 雄史 氏 (大阪市立大学)
- Random Historic behavior and a related topic
- Abstract:
The orbit of a dynamical system issued from an initial point is said
to have historic behaviour if for some continuous function on the
state space, the time average does not exist. In this talk, the
following 2 problems about the (non-)negligibleness of the set of
initial points with random historic behaviour will be discussed:
(1) Is the set of initial points with historic behaviour a residual
subset of the state space for random expanding maps on the circle?
(2) Does there exist a random (non-i.i.d.) diffeomorphism for which
the set of initial points with historic behaviour is a positive
Lebesugue measure set?
As an application of a tool in the proof of our main results, random
zeta functions shall be briefly addressed.
This is partly a joint work with S. Kiriki and T. Soma.
- 12月18日(金)
- 稲生 啓行 氏(京都大学)
(Sabyasachi Mukherjee氏 (Stony Brook University) との共同研究)
- Abstract:
- 12月4日(金)
- Eric Bedford 氏 (Indiana University)
- Quasi-expansion in the dynamics of complex Henon maps
- Abstract:
We will give a general survey of the subject of the dynamics
of complex Henon maps. Then we will discuss Henon maps in terms
of hyperbolicity and quasi-hyperbolicity.
- 11月20日(金)
- 木坂 正史 氏(京都大学)
- Julia sets in the Mandelbrot set and small Mandelbrot sets
- Abstract:
If we zoom in a certain part of the Mandelbrot set, we
can see a figure J' which is very similar to a certain
Julia set. Furthermore, as we zoom in the middle part
of J', we can see a certain nested structure which is
similar to the iterated preimages of J' by z^2 and finally
a small Mandelbrot set M' appears. We explain how to
formulate this phenomena and show that this actually occurs.
Also we show that this kind of nested structure exists
in J_c for c in M'.
- 11月13日(金)
- 宇敷 重廣 氏(京都大学)
- Abundance of Siegel balls in a family of Hénon maps
- Abstract:
There exists a family of complex Hénon maps parametrized
by real two parameters, such that
the number of cycles of Siegel ball of the Hénon map
is unbounded in any open set of parameters.
- 11月6日(金)
- Konstantinos Efstathiou 氏 (University of Groningen)
- Hamiltonian monodromy: an overview and new perspectives
- Abstract:
Torus bundles are one of the most prominent features of integrable
Hamiltonian systems. The monodromy of such torus bundles over circles is
called Hamiltonian monodromy. In this talk I will give an overview of
Hamiltonian monodromy and discuss the development of the subject. I will
also present the "geometric monodromy theorem" which associates
monodromy to the focus-focus singular points of the Hamiltonian system.
Then I will consider the case of n-DOF (degree of freedom) integrable
Hamiltonian systems with global Tn-1 actions and discuss
which associates
monodromy to the focus-focus singular points of the Hamiltonian system.
Then I will consider the case of n-DOF (degree of freedom) integrable
Hamiltonian systems with global Tn-1 actions and discuss
recent results obtained for such systems together with N. Martynchuk. In
particular, we have shown that monodromy in such systems is associated
to points where the isotropy is an S1 subgroup of the
Tn-1 action. In the special case of 2-DOF systems with an
S1 action this result implies that monodromy is associated to
the fixed points of the action. Finally we give a general and easy to
apply formula for computing monodromy in n-DOF systems.
- 10月23日(金)
- 柴山 允瑠 氏(京都大学)
- 特異点をもつハミルトン系のエネルギー固定問題における周期解の存在
- Abstract:
- 10月16日(金)
- 高橋 博樹 氏(慶応大学)
- 一次元力学系の大偏差原理とその普遍性について
(鄭容武氏 (広島大学)、Juan Rivera-Letelier氏
(University of Rochester)との共同研究)
- Abstract:
臨界点の個数が1で、それが極値点であるようなものはunimodal map (単峰写像)と呼ばれる。unimodal mapは(i) 吸引周期点をもつ (ii) 無限回繰り込み可能 (iii) 高々有限回繰り込み可能、の三つのタイプに分類される。(i) は双曲理論の範疇に入り、(ii) の理解も進んでいる。絶対連続不変確率測度やwild Cantor attractorを持つものは(iii) に入る。2次写像族などの実解析的なunimodal mapのパラメーター族では、Lebesgue測度に関しほとんど全てのパラメーターについて (i )か (iii) である(Lyubich, Avila-Lyubich-de Melo)。また (iii) のLebesgue測度は 正である(Jakobson, Benedicks-Carleson)。
我々の結果より、大偏差原理が (iii) のタイプの任意のunimodal mapについて成立することが従う。特に、physical measureが存在せず(Keller-Nowicki)、従って測度の集中がない状況で
- 10月9日(金)
- 塚本 真輝 氏(京都大学)
- 極小力学系をヒルベルト立方体に埋め込む.
(Embedding minimal dynamical systems into Hilbert cubes)
- Abstract:
1999年の論文でElon Lindenstraussは,極小な力学系の平均次元が1/36未満なら,ヒルベルト立方体上のシフトに埋め込めることを証明した.ここで出てきた1/36という数はいかにも人工的であり,Lindenstraussは同じ論文中で,埋め込みが存在するための最良の値を問題とした.
今回,Yonatan Gutman氏との共同研究で,この問題を次の形で解決した:
- 7月17日(金)
- Hahng-Yun Chu 氏 (Chungnam National University)
- Envelope theory on topological dynamics
(joint work with Jaeyoo Choy (Kyungpook National University))
- Abstract:
In this presentation, we investigate several dynamic notions as
attractors, recurrence, limit sets and their applications. We first deal
with envelope theory which is started from the concept of functional
envelopes and its applications.
In the second part we discuss the dynamic concepts on 3-manifolds with
a certain cohomology condition.
- 7月10日(金)
- 桐木 紳 氏(東海大学)・相馬 輝彦 氏 (首都大学東京)
- Takens' last problem and existence of non-trivial wandering domains:
- I. Linking lemma, critical chain, non-trivial wandering domains
- II. Historic behavior in non-trivial wandering domains
- Abstract:
We give an answer to a version of the open problem of Takens
in [Nonlinearity, 21 (2008), no.3,T33-T36]
which is related to historic behavior of dynamical systems.
To obtain the answer, we show the existence of non-trivial
wandering domains near a homoclinic tangency,
which is conjectured by Colli and Vargas
[Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys., 21 (2001), 1657-1681].
Concretely speaking, it is proved that any Newhouse open set
in the Cr topology of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms
with r ≧2 is contained in the closure of the set of diffeomorphisms
which have non-trivial wandering domains
whose forward orbits have historic behavior.
Moreover, this result implies an answer in the Cr category
to one of the open problems of van Strien
[Discrete Conti. Dynam. Sys., 27 (2010), no.2, 557-588]
which is concerned with wandering domains for Hénon family.
The paper is available at
- 5月29日(金)
- 篠原 克寿 氏(首都大学東京)
- Volume Hyperbolicity and Wildness
(joint work with C. Bonatti, Universite de Bourgogne)
- Abstract:
It is known that the robust absence of volume hyperbolicity
(a weaker notion of hyperbolicity) on a chain recurrence
class implies the generic coexistence of inifintely many
sinks or sources, in particular the wildness (generic coexistence
of infinitely many distinct chain recurrence classes)
of the system. In other words, volume hyperbolicity is a necessary
conditions for the tameness (robust finitude of chain recurrence
In this talk, I will show that volume hyperbolicity is not
a sufficient condition for the tameness, by giving examples
of diffeomorphisms on any three manifold which is volume hyperbolic
and simultaneously wild. As a by-product, I give an example
of open region of diffeomorphisms in which generic diffeomorphism
has neither topological attractors nor repellers.
The construction comprises the study of the shape of the attracting
region and the repelling region from the (differential) topological
viewpoint and the C1 perturbation technique called
flexible periodic points.
- 5月22日(金)
- Pieter Allaart 氏(University of North Texas)
- The infinite derivatives of Okamoto’s functions and beta-expansions
- Abstract:
Okamoto’s one-parameter family of self-affine functions includes
functions of Perkins and Bourbaki/Katsuura,
as well as the classical Cantor function.
In this talk I will give an exact characterization of
the set D of points where these functions have an infinite derivative.
This set turns out to be very closely related to
the set of real numbers having a unique beta-expansion.
As a result, the so-called Komornik-Loreti constant
(which is intimately related to the Thue-Morse sequence)
separates parameter values for which D is countable
from those for which D has strictly positive Hausdorff dimension.
The golden ratio also plays a role, as the parameter value
where D becomes empty.
If time permits, I will also discuss the Hausdorff dimension
of the set of (non)differentiability points of Okamoto’s functions.
- 5月15日(金)
- Konstantin Mischaikow 氏 (Rutgers University)
- Building a Database of Dynamics for Regulatory Networks
- Abstract:
There are fundamental challenges to understanding the dynamics
of regulatory networks, a problem is central to systems biology.
Biological regulatory networks are typically nonlinear multiscale systems
and hence that the associated mathematical models are often characterized
by heuristic nonlinearities and poorly defined parameters.
Even when the parameters are well defined, their values are
typically unknown.
Furthermore, precise experimental time series data
for these systems is not available.
To deal with these issues we propose a novel mathematically rigorous
but computable approach to nonlinear dynamics based on combinatorics
and algebraic topology.
We refer to the output of the computations as a Database of Dynamics
as it allows the user to query for specific dynamic structures.
We will discuss the Database of Dynamics in the context of
regulatory networks that are modeled using switching networks.
- 4月24日(金)
- 篠原 克寿 氏 (首都大学東京)
- Abundance of flexible periodic points
in partially hyperbolic systems
(joint work with C. Bonatti (Universite de Bourgogne))
- Abstract:
We say that a hyperbolic periodic point is ε-flexible if
we can change the position of its strong stable manifold into
arbitrarily chosen one in a fundamental domain (which is fixed
beforehand) by a C1-ε small perturbation.
In this talk, starting from the motivation, we show the abundance
of ε-flexible points with arbitrarily small ε in certain kind
of partially hyperbolic systems.
- 4月17日(金)
- Dongchen Li氏 (Imperial College London)
- Existence of heterodimensional cycles in a wild attractor
- Abstract:
We prove that a heterodimensional cycle can be born at the
bifurcations of a pair of homoclinic loops to a saddle-focus
of avolume-hyperbolic system with symmetry. We also show that
such cycle can belong to a chain-transitive attractor of such
system, where this attractor is wild in the sense that it contains
an invariant hyperbolic set with persistent homoclinic tangency.
- 4月10日(金)
- Dimitry Turaev 氏(Imperial College London)
- Chaos in non-holonomic mechanical systems
- Abstract:
We discuss interesting features of chaotic dynamics
in non-conservative time-reversible systems:
attractor-repeller mergers, blenders, elliptic points,
periodic spots, solenoids, universal maps,
and relate the results and concepts to non-holonomic mechanics.
浅岡 正幸 (asaokaQmath.kyoto-u.ac.jp, replace Q with at-mark)
〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町
京都大学大学院理学研究科 数学教室