2004年度 京都 力学系セミナー
2004 Kyoto Dynamical Systems seminar
日 時: |
毎週金曜午後2時より |
場 所: |
京都大学 大学院理学研究科 6号館 6階
これまでの Kyoto Dynamics Days
- 2005年2月16日(水)
- 13:30-
- Piotr Zgliczynski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
- "Computer assisted proofs of periodic orbits, symbolic
dynamics and homoclinic, hetroclinic orbits for ODEs and maps"
- Abstract:
- I will discuss the topological tools used to obtain periodic
orbits, symbolic dynamics and homoclinic/heteroclinic orbits.
I will then explain how these tools were used to obtain periodic
orbits and chaotic dynamics for ODEs. The examples include:
Rossler equations, Lorenz equations, planar restricted three
body problem and Henon map.
- Pieter Collins (CWI and Kyoto Univ.)
- "Continuity and Computability in Dynamical Systems"
- Abstract:
- Much of the modern theory of dynamical systems developed to
explain the results of numerical simulations of complicated systems.
Currently, there is a large body of software available to compute
the properties of a system, some of it based on various rigorous
computational schemes using rational or interval arithmetic. While
the behaviour of particular algorithms is well-studied, much less
is known about what is possible --- and what is impossible --- to
compute. In this talk I will describe a formal theory of computable
analysis developed by Weihrauch and co-workers, and discuss how
this theory can be used to analyse the computability of important
dynamical concepts such as entropy, homology,]
and (chain-)reachable sets.
Kyoto Dynamics Days 5
- Trellis and related topics -
- 日時: 2005年 1月26日(水)14:00 〜 1月27日(木)17:00
- 会場: 京都大学理学部3号館1階 数学教室大会議室
| Abstracts(PDF)
- 2005年1月14日(金)
- 15:00-16:30
- 加藤 毅(京都大学大学院理学研究科)
- 相互作用とオートマトン
- 12月24日(金)14:00-15:00 (力学系・多変数関数論合同セミナー)
- Tien-Cuong Dinh (Paris-Sud)
- New constructions of the equibrium measure for meromorphic maps
- Abstract :
- We give new constructions of the equilibrium measure for some
meromorphic maps and prove that this measure is exponentially
mixing. As a consequence, we get the central limit theorem.
This is a joint work with N. Sibony.
Kyoto Dynamics Days 4 "Mechanics and Dynamics"
- 日時: 12月17日(金) 14:00 〜12月18日(土) 16:20
- 会場: 17日:京都大学理学部6号館 6階 609セミナー室
- 18日:京都大学理学部数学教室 大会議室
プログラム(pdf file)
浅岡 正幸
email: asaoka@math.kyoto-u.ac.jp
〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町
京都大学大学院理学研究科 数学教室