2012年度 京都力学系セミナー
2012 Kyoto Dynamical Systems seminar
- 日 時:
- 毎週金曜14時00分より
- from 14:00, every Friday
- 場 所:
- 京都大学大学院理学研究科 6号館 6階 609セミナー室
- Room 609 at Building no. 6, at Facalty of Science, Kyoto University
これまでの Kyoto Dynamics Days
Kyoto Dynamics Day 12
- 日時:3月24日(日)10:30〜16:40 (24 March, 2013)
- 会場:理学研究科3号館110室 (Kyoto Univ., Building No. 3, Room 110)
- 講演者 (Speakers) :
- Dimitry Turaev 氏(Imperial College London)
- 篠原 克寿 氏 (Katsutoshi Shinohara, 京都大学,Universite de Bourgogne)
Kyoto Dynamics Day 11
- 日時:2月18日(月)10:30〜16:40 (18 Feburuary, 2013)
- 会場:理学研究科3号館108室 (Kyoto Univ., Building No. 3, Room 108)
- 講演者 (Speakers) :
- Lorenzo J. Diaz 氏(PUC-Rio)
- 篠原 克寿 氏 (Katsutoshi Shinohara, 京都大学,Universite de Bourgogne)
19日には,Diaz氏によるinformal seminarを行う予定です.
Titles and Abstracts
- 2月8日(金)
- 酒井 浩平 氏 (京都大学大学院・理学研究科)
- 平面上の力学系における antimonotonicity
- Abstract:
平面上の面積を保つ力学系の1パラメータ族の antimonotonicity について考える。
Antimonotonicity とは、あるパラメータ値の周りで、周期軌道の生成・消滅がそれぞれ無限回起こる、という現象である。
dissipative な saddle に関するホモクリニック接触を持つ場合には、Kan, Yorke らによって研究されている。
今回は、面積を保つ力学系で、antimonotone になる力学系の1パラメータ族の例を紹介する。
- 1月25日(金) 15:00 より
- 篠原克寿 氏 (Universite de Bourgogne, CNRS)
- 一次元半群作用の極小性と部分双曲型力学系
- Abstract:
そのような力学系の例を構成する方法として、skew-product を
とる方法が知られている。skew-product の作用を
On the minimality of semigroup actions on the interval
which are C^1-close to the identity
- 1月18日(金) NLPDE・力学系合同セミナー 15:00 より
- Yancong Xu 氏
(Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou Normal University, China)
- Snakes and isolas in non-reversible conservative systems
- Abstract:
Reversible variational partial differential equations such as
the SwiftHohenberg equation can admit localized stationary
roll structures whose solution branches are bounded in parameter
space but unbounded in function space, with the width of the roll
plateaus increasing without bound along the branch: this scenario
is commonly referred to as snaking. In this work, the structure
of the bifurcation diagrams of localized rolls is investigated
for variational but non-reversible systems, and conditions are
derived that guarantee snaking or result in diagrams that either
consist entirely of isolas.
- 12月21日(金)
- 梅野 健 氏 (京都大学)
- 計算と通信におけるカオス相関効果
- Abstract:
具体的には、"カオス符号"を、エルゴード理論によるルベーグスペクトル直交基底により構成し、汎用モンテカルロ計算のSuperefficiency効果、スペクトル拡散通信(無線通信、電力線通信)への応用(Capacity Gain)について議論する。
- 11月16日(金)
- 李 曉龍 氏 (東京大学)
- Entropy-expansive homoclinic classes: from ROBUSTLY to R-ROBUSTLY
- Abstract:
Entropy-expansiveness is a kind of generalization of uniform
hyperbolicity from the point of view of topological entropy. Due to a
previous theorem by Pacifico and Vieitez (2010), robust sharing of this
property can give some differential information in an open and dense
subset of diffeomorphims nearby. In this talk, I would like to extend
this theorem by introducing a relatively weaker assumption, called R-
robustly entropy-expansiveness, which implies completely the same
results as above. Moreover, some relevant ergodic consequences of
index-adapted dominated splitting are provided.
- 11月9日(金)
- 沙川 貴大 氏 (京大)
- Second Law of Thermodynamics with Information Processing
- Abstract:
The second law of thermodynamics is one of the most fundamental
laws in physics, which quantitatively characterizes
the irreversibility of the arrow of time.
Since 1970’s, theoretical and mathematical physiciss
have investigated the theoretical foundation
of the second law on the basis of the Shannon and von Neumann
entropies. In this seminar, I'd like to talk about our recent
theoretical results on generalizations of the second law of
thermodynamics to information processing processes
such as measurement and feedback, in which the mutual information
and its quantum extension play crucial roles. I will also discuss
the resolution of the paradox of “Maxwell’demo on the basis of
our theoretical results.
- 10月26日(金)
- 高橋 博樹 氏 (京大)
- Multifractal analysis for the Henon map at the first bifurcation
- Abstract:
We study dynamics of the strongly dissipative Henon map at the first
bifurcation parameter where the uniform hyperbolicityis
destroyed by the formation of tangencies inside the limit set.
We effect a multifractal formalism, i.e. decompose the phase space
into level sets of time averages of a continuous function,
and give partial descriptions of the Birkhoff spectrum
which encodes this decomposition.
Using a canonical induced map, we derive a formula for the Hausdorff
dimension of the level sets in terms of Lyapunov exponent
and entropy of invariant probability measures,
and then show that the spectrum is continuous.
The main idea is to relate each level set to embedded hyperbolic sets.
[1] Y. M. Chung and H. Takahasi: Multifractal formalism for Benedicks-Carleson quadratic maps. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, to appear
[2] S. Senti and H. Takahasi:
Equilibrium measures for the Henon mapat the first bifurcation. (arXiv:1209.2224)
[3] S. Senti and H. Takahasi:
Equilibrium measures for the Henon map at the first bifurcation: uniqueness and geometric/statistical properties. (arXiv:1110.0601)
[4] H. Takahasi:
Prevalent dynamics at the first bifurcation of Henon-like families.
Communications in Mathematical Physics (2012) 312, 37-85.
- 10月19日(金)
- 金 英子 氏 (大阪大学)
- The minimal entropies of pseudo-Anosovs and the magic 3-manifold
- Abstract:
- 曲面 S を固定すると, S 上の擬アノソフ写像全体のエントロピー集合は最小値 l(S) を持つ.
最小エントロピー l(S) が決定されている曲面 S の例は数少ないが,
最小エントロピーl(S) を実現する擬アノソフ写像は,
さらに, l(S) を実現する候補となる擬アノソフ写像についても,
この講演では, 小さなエントロピーを持つ擬アノソフが,
なぜ, マジック多様体から生まれるのか? という疑問について考察したい.
- 10月12日(金)
- 柴山 允瑠 氏 (大阪大学)
- 斉次ハミルトン系の特異点のブローアップによる非可積分性の証明
- Abstract:
これらの理論では, 特異点を持つ解の解析接続性やモノドロミー群の構造を本質的に用いている.
本講演では, 特異点をブローアップして現れる多様体上の安定/不安定多様体の構造から, 非可積分性を証明する.
- 7月13日(金)
- Davoud Cheraghi 氏 (University of Warwick)
- Trajectories of complex quadratic polynomials with an
irrationally indifferent fixed point
- Abstract:
The local, semi-local, and global dynamics of the complex
quadratic polynomials $P_\alpha(z):=e^{2\pi i \alpha}z+z^2:
\mathbb{C}$, for irrational values of $\alpha$, have been extensively
studied through various methods. The main source of difficulty is the
interplay between the tangential movement created by the fixed point and
the radial movement caused by the critical point. This naturally brings
arithmetic nature of $\alpha$ into play.
Using a renormalization technique developed by H. Inou and
M. Shishikura,
we analyze this interaction, and in particular, describe the topological
behavior of the orbit of typical points under these maps.
- 7月6日(金)
- 平出 耕一 氏 (愛媛大学)
- The Cr interior and Cr boundary of the
set of positively expansive Cr maps
- Abstract:
閉リーマン多様体上のpositively expansive Cr maps の集合の
Cr 位相に関する内部と境界について述べる。
- 6月29日(金)
- Carlos Cabrera 氏 (UNAM, Mexico)
- Semigroups in holomorphic dynamics
- Abstract:
We use semigroup theory to describe the group of automorphisms of
some semigroups of interest in holomorphic dynamical systems. The main
tool for our discussion is a theorem due to Schreier. Finally, we show
that under
an algebraic condition the Fatou-Sullivan conjecture holds.
- 6月22日(金)
- 山下 靖 氏 (奈良女子大学)
- Out(F_n) actions on character variety
- Abstract:
Let Hom(F_n, SL(2,C)) be the set of representations from
the free group of rank n to SL(2,C).
SL(2,C) acts on this representation space by post-composition of
conjugation and the quotient space Hom(F_n, SL(2,C))/SL(2,C)
is called SL(2,C)-character variety.
The outer-automorphism group Out(F_n) acts on this quotient space.
In this talk, we investigate the dynamics of this action
and show some computer generated pictures.
- 6月15日(金)
- Laura DeMarco 氏 (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Special curves and post-critically-finite polynomials
- Abstract:
In a joint project with Matt Baker, we study algebraic curves in the
moduli space of polynomials. We are interested in a characterization
of curves that contain infinitely many post-critically-finite (PCF)
maps. Our general conjecture may be described as a dynamical analog of
the Andre-Oort conjecture in arithmetic geometry. The proof (of the
cases we can handle) involves a combination of (1) arithmetic
equidistribution theorems and (2) classical complex analysis and
I will make the talk accessible to graduate students. The first part
will be an overview of the question and historical context, with
examples and an outline of the proof.
- 6月1日(金)
- 徳永 裕介 氏 (大阪大学)
- Measures with maximum total exponent of diffeomorphisms with basic sets
- Abstract:
と呼ばれる不変Borel確率測度が定義される。basic setをもつC1級微分同相写像に対し、
- basic set上の最大全指数測度は唯一つ存在する。
- basic set上の任意の最大全指数測度に関しての測度論的エントロピーは0である。
- basic set上の任意の最大全指数測度の台はbasic setと一致する。
- 5月18日(金)
- Johannes Jaerisch 氏 (大阪大学)
- Amenability and Recurrence of Normal Subgroups of Kleinian
Groups from a Thermodynamical Viewpoint
- Abstract:
- We show that some results on normal subgroups of Kleinian groups have their
natural home in the thermodynamic formalism of Markov shifts with a
countable state space. This includes a result of Brooks which states under
certain conditions, that for a normal subgroup N of Kleinian group G, we
have that \delta(N)=\delta(G) if and only if G/N is amenable, where \delta
refers to the exponent of convergence of the associated Poincare series.
Another result, which is due to Falk and Stratmann and to Roblin, shows
that \delta(N) is bounded below by half of \delta(G) and that this
inequality is strict whenever G is of divergence type. We give a short new
proof of this result.
- 5月11日(金)
(以前予定していた Qiudong Wang 氏の講演はキャンセルになりました. )
- 横山 知郎 氏 (北海道大学)
- Recurrence, pointwise almost periodicity and orbit closure relation
for flows and foliations
- Abstract:
- コンパクトな曲面上のベクトル場について,
pointwise recurrent,pointwise almost periodic."minimal or pointwise periodic".
さらに,divergence-free,曲面上の同相写像,codimension one foliationについても,
- 4月20日(金)
- 上野 康平 氏 (鳥羽商船高専)
- Green functions and weights of polynomial skew products on C^2
- Abstract:
We study the dynamics of polynomial skew products on C^2. By using
weights, we prove the existence of several types of Green functions.
Largely, continuity and plurisubharmonicity follow. Moreover, it relates
the dynamics of the rational extensions to weighted projective spaces.
- 4月13日(金) NLPDE・力学系合同セミナー
15:30 より 理学研究科3号館108号室にて
- 千葉 逸人 氏(九州大学)
- 一般化スペクトル理論とその無限次元力学系への応用
- Abstract:
Gelfand tripletと呼ばれる、線形位相空間の3つ組上での線形作用素の
レゾルベントの特異点集合として定義されるが、Gelfand tripletを導入すると、
捉えることができる。 講演では、これをいくつかの無限次元力学系やPDEの
浅岡 正幸 (asaokaQmath.kyoto-u.ac.jp, replace Q with at-mark)
〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町
京都大学大学院理学研究科 数学教室