Non-negativity of the CR Paneitz operator for embeddable CR manifolds

2020/06/09 Tue 15:00 - 16:30
Yuya Takeuchi
Osaka University

The CR Paneitz operator, which is a fourth-order CR invariant differential operator, plays a crucial role in three-dimensional CR geometry; it is deeply connected to global embeddability and the CR positive mass theorem. In this talk, I will show that the CR Paneitz operator is non-negative for embeddable CR manifolds. I will also apply this result to some problems in CR geometry. In particular, I will give an affirmative solution to the CR Yamabe problem for embeddable CR manifolds.

Note: This is an online seminar. If you want to participate this seminar, please contact to us (Tetsuya Ito, Yosuke Morita).