吉川 謙一
- 名前
- 吉川 謙一
- 役職
- professor
- yosikawa (please add
) - URL
- https://www.math.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/people/profile/yosikawa
- 研究分野
- 代数幾何学, 微分幾何学, 複素多様体論
- プロフィール
解析的捩率とQuillen計量, 及びそれらのモジュライ空間, 保型形式への応用<最近の研究>
(5)Borcherds Φ-関数の代数的表示<主要論文>
[1] Discriminant of theta divisors and Quillen metrics,
J. Differential Geom. 52 (1999), 73--115.
[2] K3 surfaces with involution, equivariant analytic torsion,
and automorphic forms on the moduli space,
Invent. Math. 156 (2004), 53--117.
[3] On the singularity of Quillen metrics,
Math. Ann. 337 (2007), 61--89.
[4] (with H. Fang & Z. Lu) Analytic torsion for Calabi--Yau threefolds,
J. Differential Geom. 80 (2008), 175--259.
[5] K3 surfaces with involution, equivariant analytic torsion,
and automorphic forms on the moduli space II,
J. reine angew. math. 677 (2013), 15--70.<受賞>