
Chun Liu (Illinois Institute of Technology)による数学・数理科学グローバル特別講義5が下記の要領で開催されます。履修されている方は下記のGoogleフォームのから申込をお願いします。

講師: Chun Liu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
講義日程:2024年 7月10日、17日 13:15-15:15
     2024年 7月11日、12日、16日 15:00-17:00
場所: 理学研究科 3号館 1階 127大会議室

タイトル:Energetic Variational Approaches for Active Materials and Reactive Fluids

:Active material and reactive fluids are those materials that can convert
and transduce different types of energy, in particular between mechanical
energy and various types of chemical energy. They are ubiquitous in modern
applications and have become more and more important in areas like clean
energy, environment sciences, as well as various medical and biology systems.
In this lecture I will present a general framework to model a few specific types
of active fluids. This is the extension of the classical energetic variational
approaches for mechanical systems. These methods will also include a wide
range of chemical reaction kinetics coupled with mechanical processes. This
is a joint project with many collaborators, in particular, Bob Eisenberg, Yiwei
Wang and Tengfei Zhang.

Lecture 1. Classical mechanics and energetic variational approaches
Lecture 2. General diffusion and chemical reaction kinetics
Lecture 3. Thermodynamics and temperature effects
Lecture 4. Wormlike micellar solutions: Micro-macro models and closures
Lecture 5. Temperature effects for phase field models


締切日: 7月5日 (金)


