Nigel Higson (Pennsylvania State University)による数学・数理科学グローバル特別講義1が下記の要領で開催されます。履修されている方は下記のGoogleフォームのから申込をお願いします。
講師: Nigel Higson (Pennsylvania State University、微分幾何学分野)
講義日程:2024年 5月10日、13日、17日、20日、27日 15:00-17:00
場所: 理学研究科 3号館 1階127室
タイトル:Spectral Theory By Example
I will present some of the mathematical foundations of spectral theory. Spectral theory began with Hilbert’s treatment of integral equations, but it grew very rapidly as a mathematical theory, and also as an important tool across a wide variety of applications in science. My plan is to present some of the theory, and some of the applications—as many as I can, in fact, within a ten-hour lecture series.
1. Hilbert’s Spectral Theorem
* Self-adjoint matrices, integral equations and compact operators
* Weyl’s law
2. Further Applications of Hilbert’s Spectral Theorem
* Representations of compact groups
* Sturm-Liouville theory
* Complex functions and the Dirichlet principle
3. Von Neumann’s Spectral Theorem
* Self-adjoint and essentially self-adjoint operators
* The Fourier transform
* Weyl’s boundary conditions for the Sturm-Liouville problem
4. Explicit Plancherel Formulas
* Plancherel’s theorem for the Fourier transform
* Weyl’s spectral theorem
* SL(2,R) and Harish-Chandra’s Plancherel formula for spherical functions
* Levinson’s theorem
5. The Prolate Spheroidal Wave Operator
* Band-limited and time-limited signals in communication theory
* Prolate spheroidal wave functions
* The Riemann zeta function
締切日: 5月5日 (日)