Nalini Anantharaman氏(University of Strasbourg)によるスーパーグローバルコース数学特別講義が下記の要領で開催されます。
開催日時:2023年7月3日(月)~5日(水) 10:00~12:00
7月6日(木)~7日(金) 15:00~17:00
開催場所: 会場は後日 個別にお知らせいたします。
題目 : Topics in Quantum Chaos
The subject of ''Quantum chaos'' studies the spectrum of Schrödinger operators, when the
underlying classical hamiltonian system is chaotic. How are chaotic properties in classical mechanics mirrorred in quantum mechanics ?
The question is generally treated in the ''semiclassical approximation'', that is, in the regime of small wavelengths, where it is known that quantum mechanics converges to classical mechanics. A typical question is the study of the spectrum of the laplacian on negatively curved manifolds, in relation to the ergodic properties of the geodesic flow. This series of lectures will survey the main conjectures in the domain (most of them still open), and advances of the last 20 years regarding the eigenfunctions of the laplacian on negatively curved manifolds.
Lecture I : Introduction to quantum chaos. Pseudodifferential operators and their use to study the semiclassical approximation.
Lecture II : The Shnirelman theorem
Lectures III, IV : Entropy and support of semiclassical measures (after Anantharaman-Nonnenmacher, Dyatlov-Jin).
Lecture V : Quantum ergodicity on large graphs.
要申込:参加希望者は下記URLの Googleフォームにて申込を行って下さい。