
Laura Escobar氏 ( Washington University in St.Louis )によるスーパーグローバルコース数学特別講義が下記の要領で開催されます。

開催日時:2023年3月13日(月)~17日(金) 10:00~12:00
開催場所: 会場は後日 個別にお知らせいたします。

題目: Polytopes in combinatorics and algebraic geometry

概要: A (convex) polytope is the convex hull of finitely many points. Given that the main prerequisite to define and understand a polytope is linear algebra, this topic is suitable for first-year graduate students. This course will give an introduction to the theory of polytopes and their applications to algebraic combinatorics as well as algebraic geometry. During the course we will discuss an important class of polytopes called generalized permutohedra, which has been receiving a lot of attention recently. We will also cover Newton–Okounkov bodies, which allow us to study the geometry of varieties using polytopes.

要申込:参加希望者は下記URLの Googleフォームにて申込を行って下さい。