Dan-Virgil Voiculescu教授(University of California, Berkeley)によるスーパーグローバルコース数学特別講義が下記の要領で開催されます。
開催日時:2023年1月16日(月)~20日(金) 10:30~12:30(ハイブリッド講義)
題目: Noncommutative hydrodynamic Euler equations in a free group factor
概要: Combining free probability ideas and the Arnold approach to Euler equationson a Lie algebra, leads to a noncommutative analogue of the Euler equationsdescribing an inviscid flow which preserves a Gaussian measure.
The equationsdeal with infinitesimal automorphisms of free group factors and there are natural noncommutative smoothness spaces to which they extend. There is also a notionof cyclic vorticity,
which satisfies corresponding vorticity equations and there are conserved quantities that arise. I will explain the analogy, the results and someof the problems.
要申込:参加希望者は下記URLの Googleフォームにて申込を行って下さい。