Dynkin automorphisms of Gaudin algebras

2024/05/30 木 15:00 - 16:30
Vladyslav Zveryk
Jagiellonian University in Kraków

The goal of the talk is to present some results on the automorphisms of generalized Gaudin algebras induced from Dynkin automorphisms of simple Lie algebras. I will start by giving an overview of the construction of generalized Gaudin algebras via the Feigin-Frenkel center, as well as a recollection of the basic properties of Dynkin automorphisms of simple Lie groups. Using the geometry of opers whose rings of functions are isomorphic to various generalized Gaudin algebras, we will link generalized Gaudin algebras associated with a simple Lie algebra and its subalgebra fixed by a Dynkin automorphism. One application of this linkage is a new proof of the global version of Jantzen’s twining formula. The talk will be based on arxiv:2311.11872.

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