- Name
- Yuji ODAKA
- Title
- associate professor
- yodaka (please add
) - URL
- https://www.math.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/people/profile/yodaka
- Research Area
- Algebra 2, Geometry 2 (Algebraic Geometry, Complex Geometry, Moduli theory)
- Profile
Personal website:
https://sites.google.com/view/yodaka-mathSelected papers:
1. The Calabi conjecture and K-stablity,
International Mathematics Research Notes (2012).2. The GIT stability of Polarized Varieties via Discrepancy,
Annals of Mathematics (2013).3. Compact moduli space of del Pezzo surfaces and K¥"ahler-Einstein metrics,
(joint with Cristiano Spotti, Song Sun), Journal of Differential Geometry (2016).4. Compact moduli spaces of K¥"ahler-Einstein manifolds,
Publ. RIMS.(2015)5. Canonical Kahler metrics and Arithmetics - Generalizing Faltings heights,
Kyoto J. Math (2018).6. Tropical geometric compactification of Moduli, II: Ag case and Holomorphic Limits.
Int. Math. Res. Notices (2018).Research monograph:
7. Collapsing K3 surfaces, Tropical geometry and Moduli compactifications of Satake, Morgan-Shalen type
(joint work with Y.Oshima)
MSJ Memoir vol. 40 (2021)Awards:
Geometry prize (2018), Spring prize (2020), JSPS prize (2020).