Istvan Heckenberger (The Philipps University of Marburg)による数学・数理科学グローバル特別講義6が下記の要領で開催されます。履修されている方は下記のGoogleフォームのから申込をお願いします。
講師: Istvan Heckenberger (The Philipps University of Marburg)
講義日程:2024年8月5日、6日、8日 15:00–17:00
2024年8月7日 13:00–15:00 談話会 16:45–17:45
2024年8月9日 10:00–12:00
場所: 理学研究科 6号館 6階 609室
タイトル:Hopf and Nichols algebras
Hopf algebras are a broad class of mathematical objects with an almost 100years of history and with applications in many areas in mathematics and physics. The structure of a rather general Hopf algebra is influenced to a large extent by its Nichols algebra and gives it a Lie theoretic flavor.In the course, the basic theory of Hopf and Nichols algebras as well as the relevant algebraic and combinatorial tools are discussed. It is explained, how braided monoidal categories, generalized reflections, root systems and deformation techniques can be used to obtain structurally relevant information on Nichols algebras.
締切日:7月26日 (金)