


A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W ,

Y , Z , 和図書




Abel Symposia Springer M 89
+ Actualités Mathématiques Hermann F 1-1 y
Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles J.-B. Baillière F 1
Addison-Wesley Series in Mathematics Addison-Wesley A 9
+ Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona Birkhauser G 82 y
+ Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems World Scientific M 82 y
+ Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics World Scientific M 83 y
Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics Gordon A 88
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics Masson M 8
+ Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics MSJ M 91 v k
+ Advances in Mathematical Economics Springer 単行本 o
Advances in Mathematics : Supplementary Studies Academic Press A 80
Advances in Probability and Related Topics Dekker A 81
Advances in Soviet Mathematics AMS A 93 v
+ Algebra and Applications Springer 単行本 n
Algorithms and Combinatorics Springe 単行本
Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics Springer 単行本
American Mathematical Society Centennial Publications AMS A 91 v
American Mathematical Society Translations Ser.1 AMS A 6-1 v
+ American Mathematical Society Translations Ser.2 AMS A v n
AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics AMS A 104
Analytical Methods and Special Functions Chapman& Hall/CRC A 109
Annals of Discrete Mathematics Elsevier M 69 v
+ Annals of Mathematics Studies Princeton A 2 a’ y
Annual Review in Automatic Programming Pergamon Press E 10 v
Applications of Mathematics : Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability Springer G 57
+ Applied Mathematical Sciences Springer G 26 m
+ Appunti = Lecture Notes : Publications of the Scuola Nomale Superiore di Pisa Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Ita. 26-1 y
Aspects of Mathematics D Vieweg G 71-1 v
+ Aspects of Mathematics E Vieweg G 71 v m
+ Astérisque SMF F 48 n
Athena Series : Selected Topics in Mathematics Holt, Rinehart and Winston A 8
Aus Natur und Geisteswelt B.G. Teubner G 9


+ Banach Center Publications PWN M 77 v y
Bonn Univ. 36
Brandeis University Summer Institute Lectures in Theoretical Physics Gordon and Breach A 66
Brandeis University. Brandeis University. A 40
Brown University Brown Universit A 29


Cahiers Scientifiques. Gauthie F 3
California University University of California A 21
+ Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics Cambridge University Press E 29 m
+ Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics Cambridge E 2 a’ y
+ CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics AMS M 1-1 v y
+ CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics SIAM M 1-1A v y
Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Cremonese Ita. 21
Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del Instiuto Polytecnic Nacional. M 37
+ Chicago Lectures in Mathematics University of Chicago Press A 22 a’ y
+ Clay Mathematics Monographs AMS A 111 m
+ Clay Mathematics Proceedings AMS A 111-1 m
CMS Books in Mathematics Springe 単行本
CMS Conference Proceedings / Canadian Mathematical Society AMS M 1-3 v
Collection du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métier Masson et Cie F 22
Collection de Monographies sur la Théorie des Fonctions Gauthier F 4
Collection Recherches en Mathématiques Appliquées Masson F 43
Collection Universitaire de Mathématiques Dunod F 13
Collezione Lattes. S. Lattes Ita. 3
+ Colloquia = Colloquium : Publications of the Scuola Nomale Superiore di Pisa Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Ita. 26-2 y
Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai North-Holland M 1-4 v
+ Colloquium Publications AMS A 1 a’ y
Columbia University Columbia University A 33
Computer Monograph Series American Elsevier Pub. Co E 17
Computer science monographs N 205
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Monografie Matematiche Cremosese Ita. 4
+ Contemporary Mathematics AMS A 83 z
+ Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics AMS A 106 v y
+ CRM Monograph Series AMS M 17-3 y
+ CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes AMS M 17-2 y
+ CRM Series : Publications of the Scuola Nomale Superiore di Pisa Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Ita. 26-3 y
Current Developments in Mathematics International Press A 38 v
Cursos y Seminarios de Matemática Universidad de Buenos Aires M 33
CWI Tract CWI 78 v


+ de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics de Gruyter G 74 y
+ de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics de Gruyter G 62 m
Département de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquée Dunod F 13
+ Developments in Mathematics Springer 単行本 n
+ Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Springer G a
Die Wissenschaft Braunschweig : Vieweg G 15
DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science AMS A 94 v
DMV-Seminar Birkhauser G 63 v
+ Documents Mathematiques SMF F 47 v y
Duke University Mathematics Series Duke University A 50-5
Dynamics Reported Springer G 75 v


Ecole Normale Superieure F 24
Ecole Polytechnique. Ecole Polytechnique. F 28
Edinburgh Mathematical Tracts G. Bell & sons E 5
Elements of Mathematics / Nicolas Bourbaki Hermann/Addisonwesley F 1A v
Éléments de Mathématique / N. Bourbaki Springer F 1B v
Éléments de Mathématique / N. Bourbaki Hermann / Masson / Diffusion F 1C v
Ellis Horwood Series in Mathematics and its Application Horwood E 27
+ EMS Monographs in Mathematics EMS 単行本 n
+ EMS Series of Congress Reports EMS E 33 n
+ EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics EMS E 35 y
+ EMS Textbooks in Mathematics EMS 単行本 y
+ EMS Tracts in Mathematics EMS 単行本 y
+ Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences Springer G 72 v m
+ Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications Cambridge A 79 v m
Encyclopédie Scientifique O. Doin et fils. F 7
Ergebnisse der Angewandten Mathematik Springer G 22
+ Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete Springer G 2 m
+ ESI Lectures in Mathematics and Physics EMS 単行本 o
Featured Reviews in Mathematical Reviews AMS 単行本
+ Fields Institute Communications Springer A 99 v m
+ Fields Institute Monographs AMS A 99-1 v y
Fields Medallists’ Lectures World Scientific M 5-2 y’


Featured Reviews in Mathematical Reviews AMS ) 単行本
+ Fields Institute Communications ( Springer ) A 99 m
+ Fields Institute Monographs ( AMS ) A 99-1 v y
Fields Medallists’ Lectures (World Scientific) M 5-2


+ GAKUTO International Series : Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Gakkotosho N 56 y
Global Analysis : Pure and Applied Addison-Wesley A 82
Gottingen Univ. G 35
+ Graduate Studies in Mathematics AMS A 100 y
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics Springer G 56 a
Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Springer G 1
Grundwissen Mathematik Springer G 68


Hamburger Mathematische Einzelschriften B. G. Teubner G 3
Handbook of Algebra Elsevier 単行本
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science Clarendon Press 単行本
Harvard University Harvard University A 23
Histoire de la Pensée Hermann F 18
+ History of Mathematics AMS A 90 v z
Holden-Day Series in Mathematical Physics Holden-Day A 53
Humburg Univ. Universitat Hamburg G 38


+ IAS/Park City Mathematics Series AMS : Institute for Advanced Study A 103 v y
ICM : Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Various publishers) M 5
ICM-90 Satellite Conference Proceedings. Springer M 5-1
Inernational Symposium, Division of Mathematics, the Taniguchi Foundation N 209
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques I.H.E.S. F 20A
Institute for Advanced Study Institute for Advanced Study A 24
Instituto Matematico, Roma Instituto Matematico Ita. 5
+ Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics Springer G 76 m
Interdisciplinary Mathematics Math Sci Press A 77
International Mathematical Series Springer A 113
International Monographs on Advanced Mathematics and Physics. Hindustan Pub M 13-1
Iternational Series of Monographs on Pure and Applied mathematics Pergamon A 13
International Series in Nonlinear Mathematics : Theory, Methods and Applications. Pergamon Press E 26
International Series of Numerical Mathematics Birkhauser M 1-5 v
International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics McGraw-Hill A 10
Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics John Wiley E 6 v
+ IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics EMS 単行本 y
Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings Bar-Ilan University M 1-9 v


K-Monographs in Mathematics. Springer G 78 v
Kansas University Kansas Univeristy A 26
Keio mathematical seminar reports N 210
Kleine Erganzungsreihe zu den Hochschulbuchern fur Mathematik Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften G 18


Lecture Notes in Biomathematics. Springer G 55C v
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer G 81 v
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Springer G 55-3 v
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Springer G 55-1 v
+ Lecture Notes in Mathematic Springer G 25 v y
Lecture Notes in Numerical and Applied Analysis. 紀伊国屋 N 41 v
Lecture Notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Economics Springer G 55
Lecture notes in Operations Research and Mathematical Systems Springer G 55A
Lecture Notes in Physics New Series M : Monographs Springer G 55B.1 v
Lecture Notes in Physics. Springer G 55B v
Lecture Notes Series Seoul National University M 85 v
+ Lecture Notes in Statistics. Springer G 55D v n
+ Lecture Notes of the Unione Matematica Italiana Springer G 83 v y
Lectures in Applied Mathematics AMS A 19
Lectures in Applied Mathematics Interscience E 8
Lectures in Mathematics 紀伊国屋 N 23
Lectures on Modern Mathematics. Wiley A 52
Les Grands Problèmes des Sciences. Gauthier F 16
Les Houches Oxford University Press 79
Les Maîtres de la Pensée Scientifique : Collection de Memoires et Ouvrages. F 6
Les publications CRM CRM M 17-1
Lie groups : History, Frontiers, and Applications Math Sci Press A 78 v
+ London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series Cambridge University Press E 18 a’ m
+ London Mathematical Society Monographs Princeton 31 y
+ London Mathematical Society Student Texts Cambridge University Press E 19 y
Longmans' Modern Mathematical Series Longmans, Green and Co E 3


MAA Studies in Mathematics Mathematical Association of America A 57
Manuali per Applicazioni Tecniche del Calcolo. Cremonses Ita. 6 v
Manuali Hoepli U. Hoepli Ita. 1
Matematisk seminar / Universitetet i Oslo. Universitetet i Oslo M 19 y’
Mathematical Centre tracts Mathematisch Centrum M 21
Mathematical Expositions University of Toronto Press E 11
Mathematical Monographs John Wiley E 4
+ Mathematical Notes Princeton Univ. Press A 41 y
+ Mathematical physics studies Springer 単行本 z
Mathematical Reports Harwood Academic Publishers E 30 v
+ Mathematical Sciences Research Institute publications Cambridge G 69 m
+ Mathematical Surveys and Monographs AMS A 4 n
+ Mathematical World AMS A 97 y
Mathematics and its Applications Gordon and Breach A 51
Mathematics and Its Applications. Kluwer M 76-1
Mathematics and Its Applications (Chinese) Kluwer M 76-4
Mathematics and Its Applications. (East European) Reidel M 76
Mathematics and Its Applications (Japan) Kluwer M 76-3
Mathematics and Its Applications (Soviet) Kluwer M 76-2
Mathematics Institute University of Warwick Warwick E 15
Mathematics Lecture Note Series Benjami A 68
Mathematics Lecture Series Publish or Perish A 76
Mathematics in Science and Engineering Elsevier A 7 a’
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek B.G. Teubner G 24
Mathematisch-Physikalische Bibliothek de Gruyter G 11
Mathematisch-Physikalische Bibliothek, Reihe I B.G. Teubner G 12
Mathematisch-Physikalische Schriften fur Ingenieure und Studierende B.G. Teubner G 17
Mathematische Bibliothek B.G. Teubner G 13
McGraw-Hill Series in Higher Mathematics McGraw-Hill A 62
McGraw-Hill Series in Probability and Statistics McGraw-Hill A 14
Meddelanden från Lunds Universitets matematiska seminarium M 11 v
+ Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society AMS A 17 v n
Mémorial des Sciences Mathématiques Gauthier F 2
Methuen's Monographs on Applied Probability and Statistics Methuen E 9
Microwave Research Institute symposia series Polytechnic Press of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn M 2-1 v
Missouri University A 43
Mitteilungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar Giessen Universitat Giesse G 43
Modern Analytic and Computational Methods in Science and Mathematics. Elsevier A 71
Modern Mathematical Texts McGraw-Hill E 1
Monografias de matemática IMPA M 72
+ Monografie matematyczne Birkhäuser M 38 y
+ Monographie de l'Enseignement Mathématique L'Enseignement mathématique F 11 a’ y
Monographies Internationales de Mathématiques Modernes Gauthier F 15
Monographies des Probabilités : Calcul des Probabilités et ses Applications Gauthier F 9
Monographies Universitaires de Mathematiques Dunod F 13
Monographs in contemporary mathematics Consultants Bureau 単行本
+ Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics CRC 単行本 y
Monographs in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics Interscience Publishers A 56
+ MSJ Memoirs 日本数学会 N 61 v y


+ Nankai tracts in mathematics World Scientific M 86 y
NATO Science Series. Kluwer M 92
+ New mathematical monographs Cambridge University Press 単行本 n
New Studies in Advanced Mathematics International Press A 112
New York Universtiy. New York Universtiy. A 25
Nice University. F 33
North Holland series in probability and applied mathematics North Holland M 70
North-Holland mathematical library Elsevie M 73
North-Holland mathematics studies Elsevie M 71
Northwestern University. Northwestern University. A 42
Notas de lógica matemática Universidad Nacional del Sur, Instituto de Matemática M 15-2
Notas de matemática Instituto de Matemática Pure e Aplicada M 15
Notes on mathematics and its applications Gordon and Breach A 61
Notes and reports in mathematics in science and engineering Academic Press A 87
Notre Dame mathematical lectures Notre Dame A 67
+ NSF-CBMS Regional conference series in probability and statistics IMS / ASA M 1-1B v y


O-P book : University Micrifilms University Micrifilms A 35
+ Oberwolfach Seminars Birkhauser G 63-1 v y
+ Ohio State University Mathematical Research Institute Publications W. de Gruyter A 98
+ Operator Theory: Advanced and Application. Birkhauser G 66 v y
Ostwald's Klassiker der exakten Wissenschaften Leipzig : W. Engelmann G 8
+ Oxford graduate texts in mathematics Oxford 単行本 y
+ Oxford Lecture series in Mathematics and its applications Oxford University Press E 34 z
+ Oxford Mathematical Monographs Oxford University Press E 12 y


+ Panoramas et synthèses SMF F 45 v y
Per la Storia e la Filosofia delle Matematiche. Ita. 2
Perspectives in mathematics Academic Press A 89
Popular Lectures in Mathematics. Pergamon Press. A 55
+ Princeton Mathematical Series Princeton A 5 a’ m
+ Probability and its applications Birkhauser 単行本 y
+ Probability and its applications Springer 単行本 n
+ Probability Theory and Stochastic Modelling Springer G 57-2 y
+ Problem Books in Mathematics. Springer G 61 m
Problèmes de licence et de maîtrise Dunod F 13
Proceedings : Memorial, Anniversary (Symposium... Conference... etc.) M 10 a’
Proceedings (Symposium... Conference... etc.) M 1 y
Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. University of California Press M 7 y’
+ Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Australian National University Australian National Univ. M 1-7 v m
+ Proceedings of Gokova Geometry-Topology Conference TUBITAK M 68 y y
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) (International Congress of Mathematicians) M 5 y’
Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics. AMS M 2-5 v
+ Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. AMS M 2-6 v n
Proceedings of the Symposium on Differential Geometry and Differential Equations. Science Press M 2-2 y
+ Progress in Mathematical Physics Birkhauser G 59 v y
+ Progress in Mathematics Birkhauser G 58 v y
Progress in Mathematics Plenum Press A 70 v
+ Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications. Birkhauser 60-1 v m
+ Progress in Probability Birkhauser G 60 v y
Publications mathematiques de l'universite de Bordeaux Departement de mathematique F 35
Publications mathématiques de l'Université Paris VII U.E.R. F 37 v
Publications of Mathematical Society of Japan. (Iwanami 岩波書店 N 1
+ Publications of the Scuola Nomale Superiore di Pisa (Quaderni, Monograph) Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Ita. 26 y
Publications des Séminaires de mathématiques de l'Université de Rennes Université de Rennes F 34
Publications of the Study Group of Geometry. Study Group of Geometry N 31
Purdue University. Purdue University. A 32
Pure and applied mathematics : a series of monographs and textbooks , Lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics Chapman & Hall/CRC 74
Pure and Applied Mathematics Wiley-Interscience E 7-1
+ Pure and applied mathematics : a series of monographs and textbooks Academic Press A 18 a’ m
Pure and applied mathematics : a series of monographs and textbooks , Monographs and textbooks in pure and applied mathematics Chapman & Hall/CRC A 73 y
+ Pure and Applied Mathematics : A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts Wiley-Interscience E 7 a’ y


QP-PQ : Quantum probability and white noise analysis World Scientific M 90 v
Queen's papers in pure and applied mathematics Queen's University M 20


+ Ramanujan Mathematical Society lecture notes series Ramanujan Mathematical Society M 67 v y
Reports on Global analysis. R.G.A. N 43 v
+ Research and Exposition in Mathematics. Heldermann G 80 y
Research Notes in Mathematics A.K. Peters A 96
Research Notes in Mathematics Chapman & Hall/CRC E 24 a’
+ Revue de l'Institut Elie Cartan Universite de Nancy F 38 v y
Russian Monographs and Texts on Advanced Mathematics and Physics. Gordon and Breach M 13
Russian tracts on advanced mathematics and physics Gordon and Breach A 16


Sammlung Göschen de Gruyter G 14
Sammlung Mathematisch-Physikalischer Lehrbucher B.G. Teubner G 16
Sammlung Schubert de Gruyter G 10
Sammlung Vieweg Braunschweig : Vieweg G 6
Schaum's Outline Series McGraw-Hill A 58
Schriftenreihe der Institute fur Mathematik bei der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin Akademie-Verlag G 19
Schriftenreihe des Mathematischen Instituts der Universitat Munster Munster G 20
Scientia. Gauthier F 8
Scripta series in mathematics Halsted Press E 25
Second Japan-USSR Symposium on Probability Theory 確率論セミナー N 25-2
Selected translations in mathematical statistics and probability AMS A 15 v
Seminaire (various) Secrétariat mathématique F 10
Séminaire Bourbaki SMF F 10B v
Seminaire sur les equations aux derivees partielles Collège de France F 19
Seminaire equations aux derivees partielles. Ecole Polytechnique. F 28-1 y
Séminaire l'Institut des hautes etudes scientifiques I.H.E.S. F 20
Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures Presses de l'Université de Montréal M 17
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres. (Universite de Bordeaux I) Laboratoire de thétheorie des nombres F 40
Séminaires & Congrès ; Collection SMF Societe Mathematique de France 12
Seminar notes on differential topology Kyoto University N 20 v
Seminars in mathematics Consultants Bureau M 61
+ Series on Knots and Everything. World Scientific M 84 y
The Series on pure and applied mathematics Pergamon A 13
+ SIAM studies in applied and numerical mathematics SIAM A 85 y
SIAM-AMS Proceedings. AMS M 2-3 v
SIAM-SIMS conference series SIAM M 1-6 v
+ SMF/AMS texts and monographs AMS A 107 n
Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Springer G 70
Sources and studies in the history of mathematics and physical sciences Springer 70-1
Soviet scientific reviews ; sec. C Harwood Academic Pub. A 84 v
+ Springer INdAM Series Springer G 84 v m
+ Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer G 79 m
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Springer 単行本
Springer Series in Statistics Springe 単行本
Springer Series in Synergetics. Springer G 65
Springer tracts in modern physics Springer G 32 v
Springer tracts in natural philosophy Springer G 31
Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability Springer G 57-1
+ Student mathematical library AMS A 108 v y
Studies in advanced mathematics CRC Press A 95
Studies in the history of mathematics and physical sciences Springer G 64
+ Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics. North-Holland M 14 n
Studies in Mathematics and its Applications Elsevier M 74 (y)
Studies in Mathematical Physics. Elsevier M 80 (y)
Surveys in applied mathematics. Wiley A 11
Surveys in differential geometry International Press M 87 v
Surveys in geometry Surveys in geometry N 43-1
Symposia Mathematica. Cambridge M 2-4 v
Symposium on Applied Functional Analysis N 204
Symposium on Ring Theory N 215


+ Tata Institute Fundamental Research Lectures on Mathematics Tata Institute of Fundamental Research / Narosa M 12-1 y
Tata Institute Fundamental Research Lectures on Mathematics and Physics ; mathematics Tata Institute Fundamental Research M 12
+ Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Studies in Mathematics Oxford University Press M 16 a’ y
+ Tesi = Thesis : Publications of the Scuola Nomale Superiore di Pisa Scuola normale superiore di Pisa Ita. 26-4 y
Teubner-Archiv zur Mathematik Teubner G 67-1
Teubner-Texts zur Mathematik. Teubner G 67
Teubners Mathematische Leitfaden B.G. Teubner G 4
Textes Mathématiques CEDIC F 42 v
+ Texts in Applied Mathematics. Springer G 73 m
+ Texts and readings in mathematics Hindustan M 88 v y
The New university mathematics series. Van Nostrand Reinhold E 13
Thesaurus mathematicae Physica-Verlag G 21
Topology Proceedings. Auburn University M 1-8 v
Tracts in mathematics and natural sciences Gordon and Breach M 1-2
Traité du calcul des probabilités et de ses application Gauthier F 5
Traité de physique théorique et de physique mathématiqu Gauthier F 14
+ Translations of mathematical monographs AMS A 20 v n
Translations series in mathematics and engineering. Optimization Software A 86
+ Travaux en Cours Hermann F 39 m
Travaux et Recherches Mathématiques Dunod F 13
+ Trends in mathematics Birkhauser 単行本 n


+ Undergraduate texts in mathematics Springer 単行本 y
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro M 63
Université de Bordeaux I : Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres. Laboratoire de thétheorie des nombres F 40
Université de Strasbourg Université de Strasbourg F 26
+ Universitext Springer 単行本 y
The University of Arizona department of mathematics 1970-1971 lecture series Arizona University A 21-3
+ University lecture series AMS A 92 m
University Micrifilms University Micrifilms A 35


van Nostrand Mathematical Studies. Reinhold A 59
+ "Various publications series /
Lecture notes series"
Aarhus Universitet, Matematisk Institut M 34 y


Washington state University. Washington state University. A 37-1
Washington University Washington University A 37
+ What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences. AMS A 102 v m
Wissen und Wirken G. Braun G 5


Yale Mathematical Monographs. Yale P A 36


+ Zurich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics EMS 単行本 y


位相幾何学シンポジウム N 216
岩波基礎数学選書 岩波書店 N 38-1
岩波講座 岩波書店 N 7
岩波講座 応用数学 岩波書店 N 54 v
岩波講座 基礎工学 岩波書店 N 34 v
岩波講座 基礎数学 岩波書店 N 38
岩波講座 現代応用数学 岩波書店 N 8
岩波講座 現代数学の基礎 岩波書店 N 59 v
岩波講座 現代数学の展開 岩波書店 N 62 v
岩波講座 現代数学への入門 岩波書店 N 57 v
岩波講座 現代の物理学 岩波書店 N 53 v
岩波講座 現代物理学の基礎 岩波書店 N 33 v
+ 岩波数学叢書 岩波書店 N 68 z
岩波全書 (工学) 岩波書店 N 3-3
岩波全書 (語学) 岩波書店 N 3-2
岩波全書 (数学) 岩波書店 N 3
岩波全書 (物理) 岩波書店 N 3-1
+ 応用数学基礎講座 朝倉書店 N 67 v z
大阪大学数学講義録 大阪大学 N 55 v
解析学 / L.シュヴァルツ 東京図書 N 28 v
カオス全書 朝倉書店 N 63 v
科学随筆文庫 学生社 45 v
確率論セミナー (Seminar on probability) 確率論セミナー N 25 v
確率論の手引き 確率論セミナー N 25-1 v
Katada Symposium N 203
基礎数学講座 共立出版 N 10
紀伊国屋叢書 紀伊国屋 N 35 v
城崎新人セミナー報告集(含 琵琶湖、白浜) N 242
+ 共立21世紀の数学 共立出版 N 60 v z
共立講座 現代の数学 共立出版 N 19
+ 共立講座 数学の輝き 共立出版 N 73 c
+ 共立講座 数学の魅力 共立出版 N 72 c
共立全書 共立出版 N 9
+ 共立叢書 現代数学の潮流 共立出版 N 70 a
近代言語大系 紀伊国屋 N 3-4 v
近代数学講座 朝倉 15
現代数学講座 共立 14
現代数学講座 共立出版 N 4
現代数学の系譜  共立出版 N 26
現代の生物学 岩波書店 N 18 v
コンピューターによる構造工学講座 培風館 N 37 v
サイエンスライブラリー 現代数学への入門 サイエンス社 N 39
実函数解析合同シンポジウム講演集録 N 213
シュヴァルツ解析学 東京図書 N 28
上智大学数学講究録 上智大学 N 46 v
情報科学講座 共立 13
新数学講座 朝倉書店 N 48 v
新数学シリーズ 培風館 12
シンポジューム関係 N 200
数学30講シリーズ 朝倉書店 N 50 v
+ 数学,この大きな流れ 岩波書店 単行本 z
数学振興会セミナー報告集 N 202
数学新書 東京図書 N 32 v
数学の最先端 : 21世紀への挑戦 シュプリンガー N 64 v
数学のたのしみ 日本評論社 N 65 v
数学の歴史 共立出版 N 40 v
+ 数学メモアール 日本数学会 N 61-1 v y
数学者のための分子生物学入門 京都大学 N 11 v
すうがくぶっくす 朝倉書店 N 58 v
数セミ・ブックス 日本評論社 N 49 v
数理物理シリーズ 培風館 N 71 v
+ RIMS kokyuroku bessatsu 数理解析研究所講究録別冊 数理解析研究所 N 66 v
数理科学総合研究報告 N 217
続輓近高等数学講座 共立社 N 6
ゾンマーフェルト理論物理学講座 講談社 N 29 v
+ 大学数学の入門 東京大学出版会 単行本 c
+ 代数学シンポジウム報告集 N 21 y
代数幾何シンポジウム報告集 N 22 y
対話・20世紀数学の飛翔 日本評論社 N 52 v
伝記 東京図書 47
東京大学数学教室セミナリーノート 東京大学 N 24 v
東京大学数学教室レクチャーノート 東京大学 N 27
東京大学数理科学セミナリーノート 東京大学 N 24-1 v
+ Lecture Notes in Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo (東京大学数理科学レクチャーノート) 東京大学 N 27-1 v
都立大学数学教室セミナー報告 N 211
名古屋大学数学レクチャーノート N 212
日科技連数学計画シンポジウム報文シリーズ N 201
日評数学選書 日本評論社 N 69
入門・現代の数学 日本評論社 N 42 v
輓近高等数学講座 共立社書店 N 5
物理学30講シリーズ 朝倉書店 N 50-1 v
ブルバキ数学原論 東京図書 N 17
無限可積分系レクチャーノート = Infinite analysis lecture note 京都大学 N 36 v
ランダウ=リフシッツ理論物理学教程 東京図書 N 30
理工学者が書いた数学の本 講談社 N 51 v
立教大学講究録 218