Borel complexity of sets of normal numbers via generic points in subshifts with specification

2024/03/04 Mon 15:00 - 17:00
William Mance
Adam Mickiewicz University

(Note that the day of the week is different from usual.)
We study the Borel complexity of sets of normal numbers in several numeration systems. Taking a dynamical point of view, we offer a unified treatment for continued fraction expansions and base $r$ expansions, and their various generalisations: generalised Lüroth series expansions and $\beta$-expansions. In fact, we consider subshifts over a countable alphabet generated by all possible expansions of numbers in $[0,1)$. Then normal numbers correspond to generic points of shift-invariant measures. It turns out that for these subshifts the set of generic points for a shift-invariant probability measure is precisely at the third level of the Borel hierarchy (it is a $\Pi^0_3$-complete set, meaning that it is a countable intersection of $F_\sigma$-sets, but it is not possible to write it as a countable union of $G_\delta$-sets). We also solve a problem of Sharkovsky--Sivak on the Borel complexity of the basin of statistical attraction. The crucial dynamical feature we need is a feeble form of specification. All expansions named above generate subshifts with this property. Hence the sets of normal numbers under consideration are $\Pi^0_3$-complete.