A topological interpretation of symplectic fillings of a normal surface singularity

2019/05/14 Tue 15:00 - 16:30
Jongil Park
Seoul National University

One of active research areas in symplectic 4-manifolds is to classify symplectic fillings of certain 3-manifolds equipped with a contact structure. Among them, people have long studied symplectic fillings of the link of a normal surface singularity. Note that the link of a normal surface singularity carries a canonical contact structure which is also known as the Milnor fillable contact structure.
In this talk, I'd like to investigate a topological surgery description for minimal symplectic fillings of the link of quotient surface singularities and weighted homogeneous surface singularities with a canonical contact structure. Explicitly, I'll explain how every minimal symplectic filling of the link of quotient surface singularities and weighted homogeneous surface singularities satisfying certain conditions can be obtained by a sequence of rational blowdowns from the minimal resolution of the corresponding surface singularity. The first part is a joint work with Heesang Park, Dongsoo Shin and Giancarlo Urzúa, and the second part is a joint work with Hakho Choi.