On the soliton-resolution of time-global solutions for the energy critical heat equation

2018/06/22 Fri 15:30 - 17:30
Michinori Ishiwata
Osaka University

In this talk, we are concerned with the soliton-resolution of time-global solutions for the energy critical semilinear heat equation. Such resolution is known for e.g., radially symmetric, nonnegative time-global solutions along full-time orbits as well as along some time sequences for general time-global solutions. Previous results for radially symmetric solutions heavily rely on the intersection-comparison principle to have a precise information on the behavior of solutions. In this talk, we take a different approach which depends on the profile-decomposition of the critical Sobolev embedding introduced by Gerard together with the variational type argument. The corresponding result for finite-time blow up solutions together with the connection with types of blow-up phenomena will be also discussed.