稲生 啓行
- SNS, Web サービスなど
- プログラム
- 3D/4D 可視化
- 3次元・4次元のオブジェクト
- 絵
- 動画
- 担当講義・演習
- 過去のオープンキャンパス資料
- Publications, preprints
- Straightening Maps for Polynomials with One Bounded Critical Orbit. J. Geom. Anal. 33, 314 (2023) (with Y. Wang).
- Accessible hyperbolic components in anti-holomorphic dynamics. arXiv:2203.12156.
- Discontinuity
of straightening in anti-holomorphic dynamics: I. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
(with S. Mukherjee).
- Discontinuity
of straightening in antiholomorphic dynamics: II. Int. Math. Res. Not., Volume 2022, Issue 9 (2022), 6948-6990
(with S. Mukherjee).
- Polyvision: 4D Space Manipulation through Multiple Projections
SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Emerging Technologies
(with K. Matsumoto, N, Ogawa, S. Kaji, Y. Ishii and M. Hirose).
- Double Pendulum.
- On The Support of The Bifurcation Measure of Cubic Polynomials. Math. Ann. 378 (2020), 1-12 (with S. Mukherjee).
- Self-similarity
for the tricorn. Exp. Math. 28 (2019) 440-455.
- An implosion arising from saddle connection in 2D complex dynamics.
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 68 (2019), 35-61.
(with S. Nakane).
- Non-landing parameter rays of the multicorns. Invent. Math. 204 (2016) 869-893 (with S. Mukherjee).
- Visualization of the
bifurcation locus of cubic polynomial family.
- Combinatorics and topology of straightening maps II: Discontinuity, arXiv:0903.4289.
- Extending local analytic conjugacies. Trans. AMS. 363 (2011), 331-343.
(former title: Analytic conjugacy classes of polynomial-like mappings).
- Combinatorics and topology of straightening maps I: compactness and bijectivity. Adv. Math. 231 (2012), 2666-2733 (with Jan Kiwi).
(Preprint version in arXiv).
- The renormalization for parabolic fixed points and their
perturbation , submitted (with Mitsuhiro Shishikura).
- Limits
of renormalizable polynomials.
Nonlinearity 19 (2006),
- Homeomorphisms from Julia
sets into connectedness loci.
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems (2006),
26, 1087--1113.
- Renormalization and rigidity of polynomials of higher
J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 42 (2002),
no. 2, 351--392.
- Surgery construction for
inverse branches of renormalization operator (PDF).
- Talks
- SheepShaver
のスクリーンショット (FreeBSD 上で走らせています)
稲生 啓行 <inou at math dot kyoto-u dot ac dot jp>