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Takashi SAKAJO is now

My major is Applied Mathematics (Nonlinear Analysis). In paricular, I am interested in understanding highly nonlinear and complex phenomena observed in the evaluations of incompressible fluid motions; I am also interested in interdisciplinary mathematical studies (Math. Meteorology, Medicals, Material Sciences, Mathematical Modeling etc); I am the chief coordinator of Math Clinic Program (MACS Program). The topics in my current research are:

  • Topological fluid mechanics (Topological Flow Data Analysis)
  • Dissipative weak solutions of the Euler equations and Turbulence theory
  • Vortex Dynamics (Point Vortex on Closed Surface)
  • Flow control of vortex dominated flows
  • Singularity formation and long-time behavior of vortex dynamics
  • Applied and Computational Complex Analysis
  • Interdisciplinary Studies (Mathematical Meteorology, Math Clinic at Kyoto U)


  • Research Topic: Topological and geometric fluid mechanics, Turbulence Theory, Vortex Dynamics, Mathematical Meteorology, Mathematical Modeling, Interdisciplinary Mathematics.
  • Topics in Mathematics: Nonlinear dynamical systems, Bifurcation theory, Partial differential equations, Numerical Analysis, Topology, Symplectic geometry.
  • Topics in Numerical methods: Vortex method, Spectral method, Fast tree-codes, Fast Multipole Method, Numerical Conformal mapping

PI of Research Project funded by Japan Science and Technology:

last update: Jan 8, 2025
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