Personal Infomation
Name: Takashi Sakajo
Birth Year: 1971
Affiliation: Professor, Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University
Ph. D. Adviser: Professor Hisashi Okamoto
- 1990 - 1994, Undergraduate student, Faculty of science, Kyoto University.
- 1994 - 1996, Graduate student, Graduate school of science, Kyoto University.
- 1996 - 1998, Graduate student (Ph.D course), Graduate school of science, Kyoto University.
- 1998 - 2003, Assistant professor, Graduate school of mathematics, Nagoya University.
- 2003 - 2009, Associate professor, Department of mathematics, Hokkaido University.
- 2009 - 2013, Professor, Department of mathematics, Hokkaido University.
- 2013 - present , Professor, Department of mathematics, Kyoto University
- Nov. 1999, Doctor of Science, Kyoto University, (Ph.D Adviser: Hisashi Okamoto, RIMS)
- Apr. 1996 - Apr. 1998, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science.
- Oct. 2000 - Sep. 2001, Visiting scholar, the department of mathematics in UCLA. (Prof. Russel E. Caflisch)
- Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2005, Visiting associate professor, Department of mathematics, Kyushu University.
- Oct. 2007 - Mar. 2011, PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Sep. 2008 - Mar. 2009, Visiting scholar, Department of Applied Math., Univ. of Sheffield
- Jul. 2013 - present, Project professor, Liaison Center in Mathematics, RIMS, Kyoto Univ
- Apr. 2019 -present, Research supervior, PRESTO Research Area "Elucidating mathematical structures in real/virtual world objects and their utilization", Japan Science and Technology, Japan
- Nov.2019 - present, Senior Visiting Scientist, RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS)
- May.2020 - present, Senior Visiting Scientist, RIKEN Center for Pioneering Research (CPR), R-CCS Miyoshi Labo.
- Apr.2021 - present, Research Area Advisor, PRESTO Research Area "New Fluid Science for Understanding, Prediction and Control of Complex Flow and Transport Phenomena", Japan Science and Technoogy
- Dec. 2020 - Nov. 2022, Vice President, EASIAM (SIAM East Asia Section)
- Dec. 2021 - present, Sub Project Director (sub-PD), JST Moonshot R&D program Goal8 "Realization of a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050"
- Apr. 2022 - present, A member of General Meeting, International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM)
- Jul. 2022 - present, JST Moonshot R&D program, A member of Mathematical Sciences Subcommittee.
- Sep. 2023 - present, A representative member of JSIAM at International Council of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
- Sep. 2023 - present, Associate Member of the Science Council of Japan.
- Sep. 2000 Takebe Awards 2000 of the Mathematicsl Society of Japan.
- Oct. 2000 Paper of the year 2000 of Japan Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM),
Title "The motion of three point vortices on a sphere" JJIAM (1999) Vol. 16 No.3. pp.321-347.
- Sept.-Dec. 2019 Simons Fellow for the programme in the Isaac Newton Institute
- Dec. 2019 MIMS Mimura Award
- Sept. 2020 Paper of the year 2020 of Japan Society of Intdutrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM)
Organizing International Workships
- Vortex Dynamics: the Crossroad of Mathematics, Physics and Applications 2023/12/4-/12/8, The institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM), Hangzhou, China
- IMT-Atlantique, Kyoto University and RIKEN joint Data Assimilation workshop 2023/08/29, Kobe, Japan
- ICIAM 2023 Mini-Symposium "Problems in incompressible fluid flows: Stability, Singularity, and Extreme Behavior" 2023/08/21, Tokyo, Japan
- ICIAM 2023 Mini-Symposium "Frontiers of Collaboration with Industry: Towards International Mathematical Commons" 2023/08/23, Tokyo, Japan
- ICIAM 2023 Mini-Symposium "Frontiers of Collaboration with Industry: Succeeding through Failure" 2023/08/23-08/24, Tokyo, Japan
- ICIAM 2023 Mini-Symposium "Mathematics for Prediction and Control of Complex Systems" 2023/08, Tokyo, Japan
- SIAM DS23 OS "Vortex Dynamics Meets Dynamical Systems: Theory, Application, and Computation", 2023/5/15, Portlnd Oregon, USA.
- ICIAM 2019 Mini-Symposium "Geometry and topology in mass and fluid dynamics", 2019 7, Valencia, Spain
- The 4th ACCA Workshop 2018 3/26-3/27, Kyoto University, Japan
- A3 Workshop on Vortex Dynamics and Turbulence, 2018/3/9-3/12 Hangzhou, China
- RIKEN International workshop on Uncertainty Quantification (UQWS) 2018 2/19-2/21 (Co-chair) , RIKEN, Kobe, Japan
- 3rd ACCA Workshop 2017 3/13-3/14, Imperial College London, UK
- A3 Workshop on Vortex Dynamics and Turbulence, 2017/2/20-2/22 Haeunde, Pusan, Korea
- A3 Workshop on Vortex Dynamics and Turbulence, 2016/3/12-3/14 Okinawa Seinen-Kaikan, Naha, Okinawa, Japan
- 2nd ACCA Workshop, 2016 1/18-1/19, Kyoto University, Japan
- Naruto Workshop on Vortex Dynamics, 2016 1/15-1/17, Hotel Ad-In Naruto, Japan
- ICIAM 2015 Mini-Symposium "Applied and computational complex analysis II ", 2015 8, Beijing, China
- ICIAM 2015 Mini-Symposium "Extreme Behavior in Flow Models: Analysis and Computations", 2015 8, Beijing, China
- 1st ACCA Workshop, 2015 3/12-3/13, Imperial College London, UK
- Pacific RIM Conference on Mathematics 2013- Session: Topological Problems in Fluid Dynamics (The 5th CREST-SBM) , 2013 7/1-7/2 July, Sapporo, Japan
- NIMS Hot Topic Workshop on Fluid Dynamics: Vortex Dynamics,Biofluids and Related Field, 2011 12/12-12/14, NIMS, Korea
- The 36th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations,2011 8/22-8/24 Hokkaido Univ., Japan
- 「地球環境流体研究と数理科学」ワークショップ , 2011 6/9,北海道大学
The 35th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 2010 8/23-8/25 Hokkaido Univ, Japan
Special Project minisemester on evolution of interfaces,Sapporo July 12- August 13, 2010
- The 34th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations,2009 8/25-8/27 Hokkaido Univ.
- The 33rd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 2008 8/24-8/6 Hokkaido Univ.
- JST Presto Symposium on Mathematical Sciences towards Environmental Problems, 2008 6/11-6/13, Hokkaido Univ.
The 32nd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 2007 8/24-8/6 Hokkaido Univ.
- The First China-Japan-Korea Joint Conference on Numerical Mathematics,
2006. 8/3-8/7, Spporo Convention Center
- The 31st Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations, 2006 8/2-8/4 Hokkaido Univ.
- The Second East Asia SIAM Symposium, 2006 8/2 Hokkaido Univ.
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