Talks at International Conferences and Seminars
Plenary and Invited Talks
- 2025 Jan 13 -- Jan 24, Topology and Dynamics of Magneto-Vortical Matter
Ttle: Vortex and Topology: Recent topics in Topological Fluid Dynamics
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, (Jan. 21), invited speaker.
- 2024 July 29--Aug. 2, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe
Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
Constructor Univ., Bremen, Gernmany (Aug. 1), mini-symposium, invited speaker
- 2024 June 10--June 14, Equadiff2024
Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
Karlrstat Univ., Karlstat, Sweden (June 13), plenary speaker
- 2024 Feb 21, Colloquium at Indian Instritute of Technology, Hyderabad
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis (TFDA): theory and applications
IIT Hydrabad, Hydrabad, India (Feb. 21), invited speaker
- 2024 Jan 8--Jan 13, GEOTOP-A International Conference -- Applications of Geometry and Topology
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows inside a Heart
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico (Jan 8), invited speaker
- 2023 Nov 19--Nov 21, 76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD2023)
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows Inside a Heart
Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA (Nov 21), invited speaker
- 2023 July 24--July 28, Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations - perspevtives in 2023 (CAT04)
Title: Equilibrium states of vortex points and vortex sheets
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK (July 27), invited speaker
- 2023 July 4--July 14 ANR Project Quantum Turbulence Exploration by High Performance Computating
Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargese, France (July 4), invited speaker
- 2022 Sept. 12--16 UK-Japan Winter School Event: "Geometry, Stochastics and Dynamics"
Title: Topological flow data analysis - theory and recent applications
Imperial College London, UK (hybrid) (Sept 13), invited speaker
- 2022 June 6--Jume 8, The 1st International Symposium on Aihara Moonshot Project
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Bllod Flows Inside a Heart
Virtual Online, Tokyo (June 6), invited speaker
- 2020 Jan 20--Jan 24, Workshop on "Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical Flows
Title: "Vortex Dynamics on Sphere - a survey"
Research Center Erwin Schrodinter International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI), Univ. Vienna, Austria, invited speaker.
- 2019 Oct 28--Nov 1, Complex analysis in mathematical physics and applications
Title: Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, invited speaker.
- 2019 Apr. 15--19, Workshop on Scientific Computing Across Scales: Extreme Events and Criticality in Fluid Mechanics
Title: Mathematical models of cascading phenomena in turbulence
The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, invited speaker.
- 2019 Jan. 7--11, Workshop on Applied Topology (WAT2019)
Title: Classification of 2D Hamiltonian vector fields and topological flow data analysis : theory, computation and applications
Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan, plenary speaker
- 2018. Dec. 26, Mathematics of Fluid Motion II: Theory and Computation
Title: "Control of vortex dominated flows through vortex dynamics"
KIAS, Seoul, Korea, invited speaker, Dec. 26-28.
- 2018 Nov. 24,
Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation
Title: "Control of vortex dominated flows through vortex dynamics"
NCTS, Nat. Taiwan University, Taipei, plenary speaker, Nov. 24--26.
- 2017 July, Expert Exchange on Micro-Pressure Waves
Title:"Mathematical research on Micro-Pressure Waves"
Technical Research Institute (RTRI), July 18, invited speaker .
- 2016 June, The 11th East Asia SIAM Conference
Title: "Dissipative vortex collapse and time's arrow"
University of Macau, Macau, China, June 20--22, invited speaker.
- 2016 Mar., A3 Mini-workshop on Soft Matter
Title: "Mathematical modeling and topological characterizations for 2D incompressible flows across the Reynolds number"
Beihang University, Beijing, China, Mar. 23--25, invited speaker.
- 2016 Feb.24, Kyoto University Winter School 2016 "From Materials to Life: Multidisciplinary Challenges"
Title: "Across Reynolds numbers: mathematical modeling and topological pattern characterization for 2D incompressible flows"
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Feb. 14--26, invited lecturer.
- 2016 Jan 25, Advanced Computing and Theoretical Fluid Mechanics
Title: "Mathematical models of anomalous enstrophy dissipation and enstrophy cascade in 2D turbulence"
The Fields Institute, Tronto, Canada, Jan. 25--29, invited speaker.
- 2015 Nov 27, Second Joint Workshop of A3 Foresight Program
Title: "Mathematical modeling of incompressible flows; Recent developments in applied and computational complex analysis"
Xiamen, China, Nov. 26--29, invited speaker.
- 2014 Nov, The 8th CREST-SBM International Conference:
International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future
Title: "On point vortex-alpha system and vortex collapse with enstrophy dissipation",
Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 11-14, invited speaker
- 2014 Sep. The 6th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up,
Title: "Anomalous enstrophy dissipation and 2D vortex collapse",
Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 1--5, invited speaker
- 2014 Mar. 5, 2014 Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation,
Title: "Mathematical and Computational Theory for Inviscid and Incompresible Flows in Multiply Connected Domains",
Kyoto, Japan, April 5--6, invited speaker
- 2014 Mar. 5, The 2nd International Conference on
Mathematical Theory of Turbulence via Harmonic Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Title: "Anomalous enstrophy dissipation via triple collapse of 2D point vortices",
Nara, Japan, Mar. 3--5, invited speaker
- 2013 Sep., 2013 Northeastern Asian Symposium on Methods and Modeling for High Performance Scientific Computing,
Title: "Mathematical and numerical studies of vortex-boundary interactions -- theory and applications",
Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-24, invited speaker
- 2012 Sep.11, International Innovation Workshop on Off Shore Tsunami Energy Dissipation and Peak Height Alleviation,
Title: "Towards a mathematical study of offshore tsunami dynamics with vortex-boundary interactions",
Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan, Sep. 10-12, Plenary speaker
- 2012 Aug. , 4th China-Japan-Korea Conference on Numerical Mathematics,
Title: "Point Vortex Dynamics in Multiply Connected Domains -- Theory and Applications",
Ohtsu, Japan, Aug. 25-28, Invited speaker
- 2011 Dec. 13, NIMS Hot Topic Workshop on Fluid Dynamics: Vortex Dynamics, Biofluids and Related Fields,
Title: "Force-enhancing vortex equilibria for two plates in uniform flow",
NIMS, Daejong, South Korea, Dec. 12-14, Invited speaker
- 2011 Dec. 7, Emerging Topics on Differential Equations and their Applications -- Sino-Japan Conference of Young Mathematicians,
Title: "Enstrophy dissipation in Euler-alpha point vortices via triple collapse",
Nankai University, Tianjin, China, Dec. 5-9, Invited speaker
- 2011 Sept. 24, International conference on fluid and gas dynamics,
Title: "Point vortex dynamics in multiply connected domains and its applications",
Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China,
Sept. 23-27, Invited speaker
- 2009 Nov. 12-14 JST 日米先端工学シンポジウム(JAFoE)招待討議者
- 2008 June 24-26, Analytical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (vortex flows, biological systems and
related topics),
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, Invited speaker
- 2007 Feb. 2-4, Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Inverse Problem ,
Title: "Topological structure of periodic orbits in the integrable four-vortex motion on sphere",
Academia Sincia, Taipei, Invited speaker
List of all talks
- 2025
- 2024
- 2024 Jan 8--Jan 13, GEOTOP-A International Conference -- Applications of Geometry and Topology
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows inside a Heart
Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico (Jan 8), invited speaker
- 2024 Feb 20--21, ACCA India/Japan Workshop
Title: Analytic models of nematic cell alignment
IIT Hydrabad, Hydrabad, India (Feb. 21)
- 2024 Feb 21, Colloquium at Indian Instritute of Technology, Hyderabad
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis (TFDA): theory and applications
IIT Hydrabad, Hydrabad, India (Feb. 21), invited speaker
- 2024 June 10--June 14, Equadiff2024
Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
Karlstad Univ., Karlstad, Sweden (June 13), plenary speaker
- 2024 June 10--June 14, Equadiff2024
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows Inside a Heart
Karlstad Univ., Karlstad, Sweden (June 11)
- 2024 July 29--Aug. 2, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe
Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
Constructor Univ., Bremen, Gernmany (Aug 1), mini-symposium, invited speaker
- 2024 Aug 25--Aug 30, The 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2024)
Title: Capturing the dynamics of topological vortex structures in the left ventricle of the heart
EXCO, Daegu, Korea (Aug 26)
- 2024 Sep 20, Analysis Seminar
Title: Vortex crystals on closed surfaces with background vorticity
University of Florence (Sep. 20)
- 2024 Sep 23--Sep 25,Workshop: Vortices in flids and superfluids. Geophysics and quantum physics flows.
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis and its applications to atmospheric and ocean flows
University of Rouen Normandy (Sep. 23)
- 2023
- March 13--March 15, Analysis of fluid dynamical PDEs
Title: Generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda equation under a random forcing as a one-dimensional model of turbulence, RIMS, Kyoto (Mar. 15)
- May 13--May 18, SIAM DS23 OS:Vortex Dynamics Meets Dynamical Systems: Theory, Application and Computation
Title: Vortex crystals on the surface of a curved torus, Portland, OR, USA (May 15)
- 2023 July 4--July 14 ANR Project Quantum Turbulence Exploration by High Performance Computating
Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade, Cargese, France (July 4)
- July 24--July 28, Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations - perspevtives in 2023 (CAT04)
Title: Equilibrium states of vortex points and vortex sheets, Cambridge, UK (July 27)
- Aug. 20--Aug. 25, ICIAM2023 MS:Problems in incompressible fluid flows: Stability, Singularity, and Extreme Behavior
Title: A model of turbulent flows based on a random Constantin-Lax-Majda-DeGregorio equation (Aug. 21)
- Aug. 20--Aug. 25, ICIAM2023 MS:Frontiers of Collaboration with Industry: Succeeding through Failure
Title: Interdisciplinary research using Topological Flow Data Analysis through Math Clinic (Aug. 23)
- Nov. 19--Nov. 21, 76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD2023)
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows Inside a Heart
, Washington DC, USA (Nov.21)
- 2022
- June 6--Jume 8, The 1st International Symposium on Aihara Moonshot Project
Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Bllod Flows Insider a Heart, Virtual Online, Tokyo (June 6)
- Sept. 12--16 UK-Japan Winter School Event: "Geometry, Stochastics and Dynamics"
Title: Topological flow data analysis - theory and recent applications, Imperial College London, UK (hybrid) (Sept 13)
- 2021
- 2021 Dec 13, Forschungsseminar at Techinsche Universitat Dresden
Title: Exact solution to a Lioville equation on a curved torus and quantized point vortex equilibria, Virtual Online, Dresden
- 2020
- 2020 Nov 22--Nov 25, Americal Physical Society 73rd Annual DFD Meeting 2020 (APS-DFD2020)
Title: Topological flow data analysis (TFDA) For identification of atmospheric bblockings, Virtual Online, Chicago.
- 2020 Sep 28--Oct 1, Space-time topology behind formation of micro-macro magneto-vortical structure manifested by Nambu mechanics
Title: Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus, OCAMI, Osaka-City Univ. Osaka, Japan.
structure manifested by Nambu mechanics
- 2020 Jan 20--Jan 24, Workshop on "Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical Flows
Title: "Vortex Dynamics on Sphere - a survey",
Research Center Erwin Schrodinter International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI), Univ. Vienna, Austria, invited speaker.
- 2019
- 2019 Nov 29, Analysis Seminar
Title: Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus", the University of Reading, Reading, UK
- 2019 Nov 26, American Physical Society 72nd Annual DFD Meeting 2019 (APS-DFD2019)
Title: "Topological Flow Data Analysis Part 1- Theory and Applications", Washington Convention Center, Seattle, USA
- 2019 Nov 5, Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics Seminar
Title: "Topological Flow Data Analysis - Theory and Applications", Univ. of Bath, Bath, UK
- 2019 Nov 1, Complex analysis in mathematical physics and applications
Title: "Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus", Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
- 2019 Oct 23, Applied Math Seminar at the Univ. of Sheffield
Title: "Topological Flow Data Analysis - Theory and Applications", Univ. Sheffiled, Sheffield, UK
- 2019 July 17, International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019)
Mini-symposium "Control and Estimation Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Fields"
Title: "Linear feedback stabilization of point vortex equilibria near a Kasper Wing", Valencia, Spain
- 2019 July 17, International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019)
Mini-symposium "Geometry and topology in mass and fluid dynamics"
Title: "Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus", Valencia, Spain
- 2019 July 11, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Minisymposium "From algebraic geometry t geometric topology: crossroads on applications"
Title: "Classification of Streamline Topologies for Hamiltonian vector fields and its applications to Topological Flow Data Analysis", Univ. of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
- 2019 April 15--19, Workshop on Scientific Computing Across Scales: Extreme Events and Criticality in Fluid Mechanics
Title: "Mathematical models of cascading phenomena in turbulence", The Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada invited speaker.
- 2019 Feb. 8, Applied Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM) Seminar
Title: "Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus", Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US.
- 2019 Jan. 8, Jan 11, Workshop on Applied Topology (WAT2019)
Title: "Classification of 2D Hamiltonian vector fields and topological flow data analysis : theory, computation and applications",
Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan, plenary speaker.
- 2018
- 2018 Sep. 3, Applied Math Seminar
Title: "One-dimensional Hydrodynamic model for turbulence with cascade and singular solutions", The Univ of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
- 2018 Nov. 23, Seminar on Applied Mathematics
Title: "One-dimensional Hydrodynamic PDE model for a cascading turbulent phenomenon", Inst. of Math. Academia Sinica, NCTS, Taiwan.
- 2018 Nov. 24,
Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation
Title: "Control of vortex dominated flows through vortex dynamics"
NCTS, Nat. Taiwan University, Taipei.
- 2018. Dec. 26, Mathematics of Fluid Motion II: Theory and Computation
Title: "Control of vortex dominated flows through vortex dynamics", KIAS, Seoul, Korea.
- 2017
- 2017 Feb. 9, ANZIAM 2017 Annual Meeting
Title: "Point vortex dynamics on a toroidal surface", Hahndorff, Australia, Feb. 5--9.
- 2017 Feb. 10,QUT SMS Seminar
Title: "Turbulence and topology: recent explorations in mathematical fluid mechanics", Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
- 2017 Mar. 13, The 3rd ACCA-UK/JP workshop
Title: "Point vortex dynamics on a toroidal surface", Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
- 2017 Mar. 16, Seminar at Technical University Dresden
Title: "Point vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus", Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
- 2017 June. 25, Seminar at School of Mathematical Science, Peking University
Title: "Recent topics in mathematical fluid mechanics from turbulence model to topological fluid dynamics", Peking University, Beijing, China.
- 2017 July 18, Expert Exchange on Micro-Pressure Waves
Title:"Mathematical research on Micro-Pressure Waves",Technical Research Institute (RTRI), July 18, invited speaker.
- 2017 Aug 25, Seminar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Title: "One-dimensional hydrodynamics model for turbulence with cascades and singular solutions", HKUST, Hong Kong, China, Aug. 25.
- 2017 Oct 13-15, A3 foresight program
Title: "Stability of barotropic vortex strip on a rotating sphere", Quingtao, China, Oct 13-15.
- 2017 Nov 1-3, The 14th International Conference on Flow Dynamics
Title: "One-dimensional Hydrodynamic PDE Model for Turbulence with Cascade and Singular Solutions", Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, Nov. 1-3
- 2017 Nov 19-22, The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics
Title: "One-dimensional hydrodynamic equation generating turbulent scaling laws and self-similar singular solutions", Denver, USA, Nov. 19-22.
- 2017 Nov 19-22, The 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics
Title: "Point vortex dynamics on a toroidal surface", Denver, USA, Nov. 19-22.
- 2016 Jan. 17, Naruto Workshop on Vortex Dynamics
Title: "Hydrodynamic one dimensional model for enstrophy-cascade turbulence", Hotel Ad-In Naruto, Naruto, Japan, Jan. 15--17.
- 2016 Jan. 25, Advanced Computing and Theoretical Fluid Mechanics
Title: "Mathematical models of anomalous enstrophy dissipation and enstrophy cascade in 2D turbulence", The Fields Institute, Tronto, Canada, Jan. 25--29, invited speaker.
- 2016 Feb. 12, Colloquium of Mathematics at McMaster Univ.
Title: "Towards a mathematical theory of turbulence: a survey and a model study", McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.
- 2016 Feb. 24, Kyoto University Winter School 2016 "From Materials to Life: Multidisciplinary Challenges"
Title: "Across Reynolds numbers: mathematical modeling and topological pattern characterization for 2D incompressible flows", Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Feb. 14--26.
- 2016 Mar. 16, Applied Mathematics Seminar at Stanford Univ.
Title: "Dissipative weak solutions and vortex dynamics: a survey and model study", Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA.
- 2016 Mar. , A3 Mini-workshop on Soft Matter
Title: "Mathematical modeling and topological characterizations for 2D incompressible flows across the Reynolds number", Beihang University, Beijing, China, Mar. 23--25.
- 2016 June, The 11th East Asia SIAM Conference
Title: "Dissipative vortex collapse and time's arrow", University of Macau, Macau, China, June 20--22, invited speaker.
- 2016 July, AIMS Conference, Mini-Symposium "Vortex Dynamics and Geometry: Analysis, Computations and Applications"
Title: "Words and Trees: Symbolic Classifications of Streamline Topologies for 2D Incompressible Vortex Flows", Hyatt Regency Orland, Orlando, USA, July 1--5.
- 2016 August 26, Seminars at Nonlinear PDE Center, Chung-Ang Univ.
Title: "One dimensional hydrodynamic model generating turbulent cascade", Chung-Ang University, Korea.
- 2015
- 2015 Jan. 15, Modern Applications of Complex Variables: Modeling, Theory and Computations
Title: "Entrapment of force enhancing vortex equilibria in the vicinity of a Kasper Wing", Banff International Research Station, Banff, Canada Jan. 12--16.
- 2015 Aug. 10, International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICIAM2015)
Minisimposium: Extreme Behavior in Flow Models: Analysis and Computations
Title: "On the generalized non-viscous/viscous DeGregorio equation - singular solutions and statistical properties", Beijing, China, Aug.10-15.
- 2015 Nov. 24, American Physical Society 68th Annual DFD Meeting (APS-DFD2015)
Title: "Classification and transitions of streamline topologies of structurally stable incompressible flows", Boston, USA, Nov.22-24
- 2015 Nov. 27, Second Joint Workshop of A3 Foresight Program
Title: "Mathematical modeling of incompressible flows; Recent developments in applied and computational complex analysis", Xiamen, China, Nov. 26-29
- 2014
- 2014 Jan. 21, East Asian Core Doctoral Forum on Mathematics, The First Meeting
Title: "Mathematical theory of potential flows in multiply connected domains", Kyoto, Japan, Jan. 21--24.
- 2014 Mar. 5, The 2nd International Conference on
Mathematical Theory of Turbulence via Harmonic Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Title: "Anomalous enstrophy dissipation via triple collapse of 2D point vortices", Nara, Japan, Mar. 3--5, invited speaker
- 2014 Mar. 12, Fundamental Aspect of Geophysical Turbulence
Title: "Dissipative weak solutions to Euler's equations and vortex collapse", Nagoya, Japan, Mar. 10--12.
- 2014 Apr. 5, 2014 Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation
Title: "Mathematical and Computational Theory for Inviscid and Incompresible Flows in Multiply Connected Domains", Kyoto, Japan, April 5--6.
- 2014 Jul. 10, 2014 SIAM Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Application to topological ideas for understanding complex dynamics
Title: "Word representations of structurally stable Hamiltonian flows in multiply connected domains and its applications", Chicago, USA, July 7--11.
- 2014 Sep. 1, The 6th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up
Title: "Anomalous enstrophy dissipation and 2D vortex collapse", Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 1--5.
- 2014 Nov 13, The 8th CREST-SBM International Conference:
International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future
Title: "On point vortex-$\alpha$ system and vortex collapse with enstrophy dissipation", Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 11-14.
- 2014 Nov, 21, 1st joint conference of A3 foresight program, Mathematics of Fluid Dynamics and Material Science
Title: "Topics in mathematical and theoretical fluid dynamics", Jeju, Korea, Nov. 21-13.
- 2013
- 2013 Mar. 11 IUTAM Symposium on Vortex Dynamics: formation, structure and function
Title: "Streamline topologies for structurally stable vortex flows in multiply connected domains and their word representations", Fukuoka, Japan, Mar. 10-14.
- 2013 July 1 Pacific RIM Conference on Mathematics 2013 (The 5th CREST-SBM)
Title: "Encoding of streamline topologies for incompressible vortex flows in 2D multiply connected domains", Sapporo, Japan, July. 1-2.
- 2013 Sep., 2013 Northeastern Asian Symposium on Methods and Modeling for High Performance Scientific Computing
Title: "Mathematical and numerical studies of vortex-boundary interactions -- theory and applications", Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-25.
- 2012
- 2012 Aug. The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Title: "Singular limit evolutions of Euler-alpha point vortices", Beijing, China, Aug. 19-24. (Cancelled)
- 2012 Aug. 4th China-Japan-Korea Conference on Numerical Mathematics
Title: "Point Vortex Dynamics in Multiply Connected Domains -- Theory and Applications", Ohtsu, Japan, Aug. 25-28.
- 2012 Sep. 11 International Innovation Workshop on Off Shore Tsunami
Energy Dissipation and Peak Height Alleviation
Title: "Towards a mathematical study of offshore tsunami dynamics with vortex-boundary interactions", Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan, Sept. 10-12.
- 2012 Sep. 20 Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics
Title: "Classification of Streamline Topologies for Structurally Stable Vortex Flows in Multiply Connected Domains", Sendai, Japan, Sep. 19-21.
- 2011
- Far From Equilibrium Dynamics (FFED11)
Title: "Point vortex dynamics in multiply connected domains", Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Jan. 7th.
- The 7th East Asia SIAM Conference (EASIAM2011)
Title: "Point vortex equilibria enhancing forces over two parallel plates", Waseda University, Kita-Kyushu, June 29th
- International conference on fluid and gas dynamics
Title: "Point vortex dynamics in multiply connected domains and its applications", Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China,
Sept. 23-27.
- Emerging Topics on Differential Equations and their Applications -- Sino-Japan Conference of Young Mathematicians
Title: "Enstrophy dissipation in Euler-alpha point vortices via triple collapse", Nankai University, Tianjin, China, Dec. 5-9.
- NIMS Hot Topic Workshop on Fluid Dynamics:
Vortex Dynamics, Biofluids and Related Fields
Title: "Force-enhancing vortex equilibria for two plates in uniform flow", NIMS, Daejong, South Korea, Dec. 12-14.
- 2008
- 2007
Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Inverse Problem ,
Title: "Topological structure of periodic orbits in the integrable four-vortex motion on sphere"
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Feb. 2-4th.
- SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (SIAM DS07)
Title: "Motion of N-Vortex Points in Ring Formation on a Rotating Sphere"
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, May 27-June 1st.
- Euler Equations: 250 Years On (EE250)
Title: "Chaotic motion of ring configuration of N-vortex points on sphere."
Aussois, France, June 18-23rd.
- International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07)
Title: "Motion of integrable four-vortex points on sphere with zero moment of vorticity"
Zurich, Switzerland, July 16-20th.
- Solution of Partial Differential Equations on the Sphere
Title: "A fast tree-code algorithm for point-vortex interactions on a sphere"
Exeter, United Kingdom, Sep. 24-27th.
- The 3rd East Asia SIAM Conference
Title: "A chaotic motion in the N-vortex problem on sphere - Hamiltonian systems with saddle-center equilibria"
Xiamen, China, Nov. 1-5th.
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- US-Japan Workshop on Dynamics and Computation
Title "Transition of global behavior of polygonal ring of identical
vortex points on sphere with pole vortices.",
Shonan International Village Japan, Mar. 8-12.
The 2004 Workshop on the Solution of Partial Differential
Equations on the Sphere
Title "Motion of a vortex sheet on a sphere with a background global flow",
Miyoshi Memorial Auditorium, Yokohama institute of Earth Sciences
Japan, July 20-23rd.
- The 7th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics
Title "Long Time Evolution of a Vortex Sheet on a Sphere with pole
Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Hunan Province China, August 16-20th.
- International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM2004),
"Elementary Vortices and Coherent Structures--Significance of Turbulent Dynamics"
Title "Motion of Unstable Polygonal Ring of Vortex Points on Sphere with
Pole Vortices",
Kyoto Japan, October 25-28th.
- 2003
- International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2003)
Title "Blow-up solutions of the Constantin-Lax-Majda equation with a
generalized viscosity term",
Sydney Australia, Jul. 7-11.
- 2002
- The 6th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics
Title "Singularity formation along vortex line in an axisymmetric,
swirling vortex sheet ",
Tsukuba University Japan, Aug. 5-9.
- 2001
- 2nd International Conference on Vortex Method. (ICVM01)
Title "A motion of two-dimensional vortex sheet and a model spiral"
Istanbul Tech. University Turkey, Sep. 26-28th.
- 1999
- International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. ICIAM99
Title "Numerical computations of a three-dimensional vortex sheet with a swirl flow"
Edinburgh University Scotland, July 5-10th.
- 12nd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Method. (DDM12)
Title "Numerical computations of two-dimensional vortex sheet on beta plane."
Chiba University Japan, Oct. 25-29th.
- 1st International Conference on Vortex Method. (Vortex method 99)
Title "Numerical computations of a three-dimensional vortex sheet with a swirl flow"
Kobe University Japan, Nov. 4-6th.
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