Talks at International Conferences and Seminars

Plenary and Invited Talks

  1. 2025 Jan 13 -- Jan 24, Topology and Dynamics of Magneto-Vortical Matter
    Ttle: Vortex and Topology: Recent topics in Topological Fluid Dynamics
    Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, (Jan. 21), invited speaker.
  2. 2024 July 29--Aug. 2, XLIV Dynamics Days Europe
    Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
    Constructor Univ., Bremen, Gernmany (Aug. 1), mini-symposium, invited speaker
  3. 2024 June 10--June 14, Equadiff2024
    Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
    Karlrstat Univ., Karlstat, Sweden (June 13), plenary speaker
  4. 2024 Feb 21, Colloquium at Indian Instritute of Technology, Hyderabad
    Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis (TFDA): theory and applications
    IIT Hydrabad, Hydrabad, India (Feb. 21), invited speaker
  5. 2024 Jan 8--Jan 13, GEOTOP-A International Conference -- Applications of Geometry and Topology
    Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows inside a Heart
    Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico (Jan 8), invited speaker
  6. 2023 Nov 19--Nov 21, 76th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD2023)
    Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Blood Flows Inside a Heart
    Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, USA (Nov 21), invited speaker
  7. 2023 July 24--July 28, Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations - perspevtives in 2023 (CAT04)
    Title: Equilibrium states of vortex points and vortex sheets
    Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK (July 27), invited speaker
  8. 2023 July 4--July 14 ANR Project Quantum Turbulence Exploration by High Performance Computating
    Title: One-dimensional hydrodynamic PDE model of turbulent flow with the enstrophy cascade
    Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargese, France (July 4), invited speaker
  9. 2022 Sept. 12--16 UK-Japan Winter School Event: "Geometry, Stochastics and Dynamics"
    Title: Topological flow data analysis - theory and recent applications
    Imperial College London, UK (hybrid) (Sept 13), invited speaker
  10. 2022 June 6--Jume 8, The 1st International Symposium on Aihara Moonshot Project
    Title: Topological Flow Data Analysis for Bllod Flows Inside a Heart
    Virtual Online, Tokyo (June 6), invited speaker
  11. 2020 Jan 20--Jan 24, Workshop on "Mathematical Aspects of Geophysical Flows
    Title: "Vortex Dynamics on Sphere - a survey"
    Research Center Erwin Schrodinter International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI), Univ. Vienna, Austria, invited speaker.
  12. 2019 Oct 28--Nov 1, Complex analysis in mathematical physics and applications
    Title: Vortex dynamics on the surface of a torus
    Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, invited speaker.
  13. 2019 Apr. 15--19, Workshop on Scientific Computing Across Scales: Extreme Events and Criticality in Fluid Mechanics
    Title: Mathematical models of cascading phenomena in turbulence
    The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, invited speaker.
  14. 2019 Jan. 7--11, Workshop on Applied Topology (WAT2019)
    Title: Classification of 2D Hamiltonian vector fields and topological flow data analysis : theory, computation and applications
    Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan, plenary speaker
  15. 2018. Dec. 26, Mathematics of Fluid Motion II: Theory and Computation
    Title: "Control of vortex dominated flows through vortex dynamics"
    KIAS, Seoul, Korea, invited speaker, Dec. 26-28.
  16. 2018 Nov. 24, Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation
    Title: "Control of vortex dominated flows through vortex dynamics"
    NCTS, Nat. Taiwan University, Taipei, plenary speaker, Nov. 24--26.
  17. 2017 July, Expert Exchange on Micro-Pressure Waves
    Title:"Mathematical research on Micro-Pressure Waves"
    Technical Research Institute (RTRI), July 18, invited speaker .
  18. 2016 June, The 11th East Asia SIAM Conference
    Title: "Dissipative vortex collapse and time's arrow"
    University of Macau, Macau, China, June 20--22, invited speaker.
  19. 2016 Mar., A3 Mini-workshop on Soft Matter
    Title: "Mathematical modeling and topological characterizations for 2D incompressible flows across the Reynolds number"
    Beihang University, Beijing, China, Mar. 23--25, invited speaker.
  20. 2016 Feb.24, Kyoto University Winter School 2016 "From Materials to Life: Multidisciplinary Challenges"
    Title: "Across Reynolds numbers: mathematical modeling and topological pattern characterization for 2D incompressible flows"
    Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Feb. 14--26, invited lecturer.
  21. 2016 Jan 25, Advanced Computing and Theoretical Fluid Mechanics
    Title: "Mathematical models of anomalous enstrophy dissipation and enstrophy cascade in 2D turbulence"
    The Fields Institute, Tronto, Canada, Jan. 25--29, invited speaker.
  22. 2015 Nov 27, Second Joint Workshop of A3 Foresight Program
    Title: "Mathematical modeling of incompressible flows; Recent developments in applied and computational complex analysis"
    Xiamen, China, Nov. 26--29, invited speaker.
  23. 2014 Nov, The 8th CREST-SBM International Conference: International Conference on Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future
    Title: "On point vortex-alpha system and vortex collapse with enstrophy dissipation",
    Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 11-14, invited speaker
  24. 2014 Sep. The 6th Euro-Japanese Workshop on Blow-up,
    Title: "Anomalous enstrophy dissipation and 2D vortex collapse",
    Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 1--5, invited speaker
  25. 2014 Mar. 5, 2014 Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation,
    Title: "Mathematical and Computational Theory for Inviscid and Incompresible Flows in Multiply Connected Domains",
    Kyoto, Japan, April 5--6, invited speaker
  26. 2014 Mar. 5, The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Theory of Turbulence via Harmonic Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics,
    Title: "Anomalous enstrophy dissipation via triple collapse of 2D point vortices",
    Nara, Japan, Mar. 3--5, invited speaker
  27. 2013 Sep., 2013 Northeastern Asian Symposium on Methods and Modeling for High Performance Scientific Computing,
    Title: "Mathematical and numerical studies of vortex-boundary interactions -- theory and applications",
    Chengdu, China, Sep. 23-24, invited speaker
  28. 2012 Sep.11, International Innovation Workshop on Off Shore Tsunami Energy Dissipation and Peak Height Alleviation,
    Title: "Towards a mathematical study of offshore tsunami dynamics with vortex-boundary interactions",
    Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan, Sep. 10-12, Plenary speaker
  29. 2012 Aug. , 4th China-Japan-Korea Conference on Numerical Mathematics,
    Title: "Point Vortex Dynamics in Multiply Connected Domains -- Theory and Applications",
    Ohtsu, Japan, Aug. 25-28, Invited speaker
  30. 2011 Dec. 13, NIMS Hot Topic Workshop on Fluid Dynamics: Vortex Dynamics, Biofluids and Related Fields,
    Title: "Force-enhancing vortex equilibria for two plates in uniform flow",
    NIMS, Daejong, South Korea, Dec. 12-14, Invited speaker
  31. 2011 Dec. 7, Emerging Topics on Differential Equations and their Applications -- Sino-Japan Conference of Young Mathematicians,
    Title: "Enstrophy dissipation in Euler-alpha point vortices via triple collapse",
    Nankai University, Tianjin, China, Dec. 5-9, Invited speaker
  32. 2011 Sept. 24, International conference on fluid and gas dynamics,
    Title: "Point vortex dynamics in multiply connected domains and its applications",
    Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China, Sept. 23-27, Invited speaker
  33. 2009 Nov. 12-14 JST 日米先端工学シンポジウム(JAFoE)招待討議者
  34. 2008 June 24-26, Analytical and Computational Fluid Dynamics (vortex flows, biological systems and related topics),
    Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, Invited speaker
  35. 2007 Feb. 2-4, Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Inverse Problem ,
    Title: "Topological structure of periodic orbits in the integrable four-vortex motion on sphere",
    Academia Sincia, Taipei, Invited speaker

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