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aliquot sequences

Let n be a positive integer. We denote by s(n) the sum of all positive divisors of n other than n. We call s the aliquot sum function. The aliquot sequence {sk(n)} (k=0,1,2..) is the sequence obtained by iterating the function s.

For example, when n=220, s2k(n)=220, s2k+1(n)=284 hence it is a periodic sequence. When n=138, after reaching a maximum s117(138)=179931895322, it terminates at s177(138)=1.

It is unknown whether there exists any integer n such that the aliquot sequence is not bounded, i.e. sk(n)→∞ (k→∞) .
The smallest unknown n is 276 .

long aliquot sequences

terminates or reaches to an aliquot cycle

Aliquot Sequences (Paul Zimmermann)
Aliquot Sequences (Wolfgang Creyaufmueller)