Shigehiro Ushiki = Henon Unstable Manifold Page

Movies from unstable manifolds for complex Henon map

Use a wide screen to browse the matrix of pictures.
To see a short movie for each icon, click it.
Each icon represents a piece of unstable manifold of a saddle point of complex Henon map.
X = x^2 + c + b y
Y = x
Parameter c is varied fron 0.5 to -2.0 in this table of pictues.
Most of these movies are remake of "Henon Movie" (1994).
Longer clips of these movies are here for [positive b] and here for [negative b].

parameter b=1 is fixed.

parameter b=0.9 is fixed.

parameter b=0.8 is fixed.

parameter b=0.7 is fixed.

parameter b=0.6 is fixed.

parameter b=0.5 is fixed.

parameter b=0.4 is fixed.

parameter b=0.3 is fixed.

parameter b=0.2 is fixed.

parameter b=0.1 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.1 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.2 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.3 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.4 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.5 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.6 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.7 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.8 is fixed.

parameter b=-0.9 is fixed.

parameter b=-1.0 is fixed.

parameter b=0.1i is fixed.

parameter b=i is fixed.