Group actions and K-theory

Japanese 日本語
March 12th - 15th, 2012
Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University. Build no. 3, Room 110


program.pdf Updated! (7th March)



Jeremie Brieussel: Behaviors of entropy on finitely generated groups
Tomohiro Fukaya: The coarse Baum-Connes conjecture for relatively hyperbolic groups
Kei Funano: Infinite and l_p versions of nonlinear Dvoretzky's theorem
Shouhei Honda: A note on one dimensional regular sets
Yoshikata Kida: Invariants for orbit equivalence relations of Baumslag-Solitar groups
Takefumi Kondo: Poincare inequality and fixed point property of isometric group actions
Masayoshi Matsumura: C*-algebraic characterization of amenable actions
Masato Mimura: Property (TT)/T and homomorphism superrigidity into mapping class groups
Hokuto Morishima: Algebraic translation algebras
Shin-ichi Oguni: Blowing up and down compacta with geometrically finite convergence actions of a group
Qinggang Ren: Coxeter group and aspherical manifold
Hiroki Sako: Yu's property A and operator norm localization property for metric spaces with bounded geometry
Yuriko Umemoto: On the growth series of 3-dimensional hyperbolic Coxeter groups with 4 and 5 generators
Otgonbayar Uuye: (1)Restriction Maps in Equivariant KK-theory (2)The Kunneth theorem for K-theory
Hang Wang: On Kasparov's K-theoretic index formulas
Atsushi Yamashita: Metric compactifications and coarse structures
Makoto Yamashita: Deformation of algebras associated with group cocycles
Takumi Yokota: On the filling radius of positively curved Alexandrov spaces


Organizers:Tsuyoshi Kato(
Tomohiro Fukaya(
Shin-ichi Oguni(