Formation of curvature singularity along vortex line in an axi-symmetric, swirling flow.


We consider an axi-symmetric, swirling vortex sheet in an inviscid and incompressible flow. Caflisch et al. pointed out that the vortex sheet acquired a singularity in finite time, but the property of the singularity was not revealed. In the present article, we show convincing numerical evidences of the singularity formation by applying the same numerical methods as what was used in the study of a 2-D vortex sheet. We find that the radial and axial components of the axi-symmetric vortex sheet behave like the 2-D singularity that has been observed in many vortex-sheet motions, while the azimuthal component of the sheet behaves differently. Furthermore, the singularity appears along the vortex line and the first derivative of the vortex sheet strength forms a cusp, while the known singularities are associated with the curvature along curves perpendicular to the vortex lines and the sheet strength has a cusp.

Conclusions and Discussions

We verified numerically a singularity formation in an axi-symmetric vortex sheet in a swirling flow. We indicated that the second derivative of the vortex line blowed up in finite time and the singularity appeared regardless of the stretching of vortex line at the singular point. The asymptotic formulae of the discrete Fourier coefficients of the radial and axial components behave like the 2-D singularity, while that of the aximuthal component is different.

The present singularity occurred along the vortex line and the first derivative of the vortex sheet strength had a cusp-form in the neighborhood of the singular point. This profile of the singularity is unlike the known 2-D singularities, since they appear along curves normal to the vortex lines and the vortex sheet strength, not its first derivative, forms a cusp at the critical time.

The conclusion suggests that two types of singularities are possible in the 3-D cylindrical vortex sheet;

Suppose that a surface ${\bf{C}} (\xi,\eta,t)$ represents the cylindrical vortex sheet, where $\xi$ is the circulation parameter taken along the direction perpendicular to the vortex lines and $\eta$ is a Lagrangian parameter that parameterizes the vortex line.

  1. If the surface is assumed to be independent of $\eta$, the motion is equivalent to that of a two-dimensional circular vortex sheet. Then, the 2-D streamwise curvature singularity along the circulation parameter, $\max_{\xi} \left| \frac{\partial^2 \bf{C}}{\partial \xi^2} \right| \rightarrow \infty$, appears in finite time. The singularity exist continuously in a certain vortex line, where the vortex sheet strength has a cusp profile.

  2. If the surface is independent of $\xi$, namely it is axi-symmetric, it follows from the present numerical computation that the second derivative along the vortex line, i.e. $\max_\eta \left| \frac{\partial^2 \bf{C}}{\partial \eta^2} \right|$, becomes infinite at some finite time. In this case, the singular points form a circular curve, where the first derivative of the vortex sheet strength develops a cusp-form.

  3. For a general initial configuration without the symmetries, more complicated phenomenon are expected. Indeed, Sakajo computed evolution of the 3-D cylindrical vortex sheet for a periodic perturbation and observed that generation of a secondary spanwise roll-up structure followed the streamwise roll-up structure due to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The primary streamwise roll-up corresponds to the 2-D double branched spiral which is considered to be a solution of the vortex-sheet motion after the 2-D streamwise singularity formation. He also observed the rapid growth of the second derivative of ${\bf{C}}$ along the vortex line just before the secondary roll-up appeared. Actually, since the numerical computation is regularized by the vortex-blob method, the second derivative remains finite throughout the evolution. However, the rapid growth is apparently related to the present axi-symmetric singularity formation.


T. Sakajo , Formation of curvature singularity along vortex line in an axi-symmetric, swirling flow, Physics of Fluids, vol.14 No.8, (2002) pp. 2886-2897.