Kyoto Dynamics Days 9

第9回 Kyoto Dynamics Days を下記のように開催します。


Jeff Xia氏の連続講演のアブストラクトは以下の通りです。

****Area-Preserving Surface Diffeomorphisms*****

The study of area-preserving diffeomorphisms has a long history and it goes back to Poincaré who, among many other things, discovered the homoclinic phenomenon. Poincaré had also posed many problems, some of them remain unsolved until today. The most notable one is the so-called Cr closing lemma, which asks whether the set of periodic points is dense for a generic area-preserving diffeomorphism. A related problem is whether every hyperbolic periodic point has a transversal homoclinic point for a Cr generic area-preserving diffeomorphism. We will discuss these and related problems and some recent progresses.

****Foliations, topology and dynamics for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms****

We discuss the roles partial hyperbolicity plays in a given dynamical system; We will present several results on partially hyperbolic systems, particularly the ones with lower center dimensions. These results include: continuity properties of topological entropy, abundance of pathological foliations and entropy conjecture for systems with one dimensional center. One of the key ingredients in these results is a new class of topological invariants we introduced for invariant foliations.

David Blazquez-Sanz氏の1回目の講演のノートは以下のURLからダウンロードできます。
Blazquez-Sanz-Kyoto2010.pdf (PDF 312KB)

この研究集会は、京都大学グローバルCOEプログラム 「数学のトップリーダーの育成- -コア研究の深化と新領域の開拓」(拠点リーダー 深谷賢治)、 および科学研究補助金「実および複素力学系の複素解析的研究」(代表者 宍倉光広)により開催されます。

9日の懇親会に出席される予定の方で、当日13:30までに会場に来られない方は 宍倉までご連絡ください。

連絡先(Organizer): 宍倉 光広 (Mitsuhiro Shishikura) 
mitsu AT math DOT kyoto-u DOT ac DOT jp
〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町
電話: 075-753-3738(研究室) 075-753-3700(事務室) FAX: 075-753-3711