Journalist in Residence Program in Mathematics

webpage of Koji Fujiwara
We started our program "Journalist in Residence (JIR)" in Mathematics in 2010, in conjunction with the Mathematical Society of Japan. By the program, Journalists in a broad sense stay at major math departments in Japan and talk to people (professors, students, visitors, librarians), attend seminars and conferences. Typically, they stay at one or two departments, for one-two weeks for each.
The program aims to enhance the relationships between mathematicians and the general public.
Participants are paid for a round trip and accommodation. There is no obligation other than a short report (a couple of pages) to the host institution at the end of the stay.

The host institutions include Hokkaido U, Tohoku University, Tokyo University, IPMU, Tokyo institute of technology, Meiji University, Keio U, Nagoya University, Kyoto Unversity, Kyushu University, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics and RIKEN.

By now, more than 30 people attended the program. They are journalists, TV program directors, translators of popular Science books, photographers, cartoonists, editors of books, Political Scientist, and freelance writers. We also have oversea participants ocasionally.

Oversea Participants:

Koji Fujiwara
Department of Mathematics
Kyoto University
email: kfujiwara(AT)