Marco Abate, Universita' di Pisa "Index Theorems for Holomorphic Maps and Foliations. Part I: A unified approach" ABSTRACT: In 1982, Camacho and Sad proved that if S is a compact leaf of a holomorphic foliation F on a complex surface M, then it is possible to associate to each singular point p of F in S a complex number (the index of F at p along S), depending only on the local behavior of F near p, so that the sum of the indeces is the first Chern class of the normal bundle of S into M. This theorem, which has profound implications in the theory of holomorphic foliations of complex surfaces, has later been generalized by Lehmann, Suwa and others to triples (M,F,S) where S is a (possibly singular) subvariety of a complex manifold M tangent to a (possibily singular) holomorphic foliation F of S; and, recently, by Camacho-Movasati-Sad and Camacho-Lehmann, to some cases where S is transversal to the foliation. In 2004, Abate, Bracci and Tovena showed how to get a Camacho-Sad- like index theorem when the foliation F is replaced by a holomorphic self-map f of the complex manifold M leaving the subvariety S pointwise fixed. Furthermore, they obtained such a result both in the case when S is (in a suitable sense) tangent to the map f, and when S is (in a suitable sense) transversal to the map f, in the latter case under some interesting geometrical hypotheses on the embedding of S into M. In this talk we shall describe the content of these index theorems, and describe a general argument reducing the proof of such an index theorem to the splitting of a suitable sequence of sheaves, thus providing a unified approach to all known (and some new) instances of Camacho-Sad-like index theorems. Second Talk: Francesca Tovena, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata "Index Theorems for Holomorphic Maps and Foliations. Part II: The case of holomorphic maps." ABSTRACT: In this talk we shall describe in detail the general argument presented in the previous talk in the particular case of holomorphic self-maps leaving a compact subvariety S of positive dimension pointwise fixed. The main new tool is a section of a suitable vector bundle over S canonically associate to this situation, and having interesting dynamical interpretations. Finally, we shall describe a couple of applications of these index theorems to the study of the dynamics of holomorphic self-maps.