Kyoto Dynamics Days

‘ζ‚P‰ρ Kyoto dynamics Days

Main speakers: Adrien Douady(Universite de Paris-Sud) & John H. Hubbard(Cornell University & Universite de Provence)


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‚P‚SF‚O‚O|‚P‚UF‚R‚O Adrien Douady & John H. Hubbard
Parabolic implosion


‚XF‚R‚O|‚P‚OF‚O‚O Richard Oudkerki‹ž‘εE—j
Fatou coordinates exist for all perturbations of a parabolic map

‚P‚OF‚R‚O|‚P‚QF‚O‚O TBA

‚P‚SF‚O‚O|‚P‚UF‚R‚O Adrien Douady & John H. Hubbard
Combinatorics in one and several variables : external arguments for quadratic polynomials and the analogue for Henon mappings


‚P‚OF‚R‚O|‚P‚QF‚O‚O Adrien Douady & John H. Hubbard
Compactifications of C^2 compatible with a given dynamics

‚P‚SF‚O‚O|‚P‚SF‚R‚O ’Ύ ˆΫFi‹ž‘εE—j
On the dynamics of multimodal interval maps

‚P‚SF‚S‚T|‚P‚TF‚P‚T ˆξΆ Œ[si‹ž‘εE—j
Renormalization and rigidity of polynomials of higher degree

‚P‚TF‚R‚O|‚P‚UF‚O‚O ‘Oμ ˜ari‹ž‘εElŠΒj
Quadratic polynomial automorphisms of C^3
